Living and Dying

Adventurers are almost always in peril, mortal or otherwise, during the course of a game. As characters' fortunes shift, they may find themselves on the losing end of a fight. Sometimes this can be averted with a liberal use of Fortune, but other times they will simply run out of Health. The following explains how each of these curious abilities can sway the course of events during play.


While every character has a variety of tools with which to avoid incoming damage in one way or another, whether relying upon inherent powers or advanced combat training, the truth is that suffering such is inevitable. This is why every character possesses a Health trait, after all! But what happens when, no matter how hard one tries, they suffer enough damage that they run out of Health points?

They just might die.

Upon losing all of their Health, a character must roll a Fortitude ACTION on the Kill portion of the Master Table - regardless of what kind of damage actually brought them to zero Health. If this ACTION is successful (generally, any non-black result will do), the character is merely knocked unconscious for a short period of time - 1d10 turns, to be precise. After this time has elapsed, the character will regain consciousness.

Upon resuming a conscious state, a character will immediately regain a number of Health points equal to their current Fortitude trait. After this, a character is 'on their own', where the recovery of the rest is concerned. Barring any special powers or equipment to recover lost Health faster, either in one's possession or that of an ally, a character will heal as follows, based on their Fortitude trait:

Table 31a: Health Point Recovery
Rank ValueHealth Recovery Over Time
Rank Value 21 point every 600 turns (one hour)
Rank Value 41 point every 500 turns (fifty minutes)
Rank Value 61 point every 400 turns (forty minutes)
Rank Value 101 point every 300 turns (half hour)
Rank Value 201 point every 200 turns (twenty minutes)
Rank Value 301 point every 100 turns (ten minutes)
Rank Value 401 point every 80 turns (eight minutes)
Rank Value 501 point every 60 turns (six minutes)
Table 31b: Health Point Recovery
Rank ValueHealth Recovery Over Time
Rank Value 751 point every 40 turns (four minutes)
Rank Value 1001 point every 20 turns (two minutes)
Rank Value 1501 point every 10 turns (one minute)
Rank Value 2001 point every 5 turns (thirty seconds)
Rank Value 5001 point every turn (six seconds)
Rank Value 10002 points every turn (three seconds)
Rank Value 30006 points every turn (one second)
Rank Value 500010 points every turn


Fortitude Loss

When a character who is knocked unconscious does not pass their Kill check, they begin to die. This process involves the character losing one rank value of Fortitude each turn, until that trait is reduced to rank value 0. When this occurs, the character is deceased, and barring any ascendant intervention (or even someone performing first aid), they just might not be coming back.

But how does one prevent this, you ask?

The easiest way to halt the loss of Fortitude is by having someone attempt to help a dying character. This can be a qualified medical professional, one's teammates or allies, or even passersby. Such help can be as rigorous as patching up a dying individual or simply checking to make sure they're all right. This requires a full turn, at least - and simply shouting 'Are you okay?' from across a battlefield probably won't cut it.

Alternately, if there is no one around to save a dying individual, the player behind him or her may instead attempt to do so themselves. If help is imminent, a character may expend fifty Fortune points to halt the loss of Fortitude values for one turn, and if help is not so close, they may instead expend two hundred and fifty Fortune points to acquire another Kill check, at their current Fortitude value, to stop dying.

If a dying character's Fortitude loss is halted in any manner, the character will not die - at least, not because of their current injuries. Instead, they will remain unconscious for 1d10 hours, and assuming they do not suffer any additional damage during that time, they will awaken as per the above: with their current Fortitude rank value in Health points.

Negative Health

If an unconscious character (one who currently lacks any Health points) is struck while they are down, the situation can be handled in one of two fashions. The most simple of these involves prompting another Kill check, against their current Fortitude value... which may not be anywhere near their peak level at the moment. The failure of this Fortitude ACTION will cause an immediate resumption of Fortitude loss, per the above.

However, some Gamemasters might like a more granular approach to such underhanded tactics. Enter negative Health.

The idea behind this optional secondary trait is that, upon suffering damage when one has no Health, a character will lose negative Health points instead of rolling Kill checks. This can help to avoid instances where a character with a particularly high Fortitude trait can withstand a staggering amount of punishment while unconscious - when they really shouldn't be able to.

If a character runs out of negative Health points, they will immediately drop to rank value 0 Fortitude, and will cease to function. They can be revived with skills such as first aid or medicine, or perhaps ascendant abilities that specialize in such feats, but otherwise the character is dead. Unless, of course, a strange occurrence acts to revive him or her later (as often happens in the realm of comic books).

Negative Health recovers at the same rate as a character's regular Health. Its value is determined by adding the successive rank values of a character's Fortitude trait together. This means that the rank values up to (and including) the character's Fortitude trait are all added together to determine one's negative Health. As an example, consider Bob's new hero, with a Fortitude value of 10.

With such a Fortitude value, his character's negative Health would add up to 22 (the sum of all the successive rank values for rank value 10 is 2, 4, 6, and 10, to equal 22). This successive addition process is summed up for convenience on table 32.

Mental Health

While one's ordinary Health trait is a good indicator of how much physical damage they can absorb before passing out and possibly passing on, their mental fortitude may not necessarily be the same. When the Gamemaster wishes to make the Health of a character's body and the Health of a character's mind distinct from one another, they can make use of the optional mental Health secondary trait.

Mental Health showcases how much Karmic damage a character can withstand before their mind folds like a house of cards. While some Karmic damage is material in nature (such as a psion beam), most comes in the form of attacks such as a psi bolt or empathic hammer. These assaults act against the 'core' of a character's mind, and thus subtract points from one's mental Health trait.

When a character runs out of mental Health, they must pass a Willpower ACTION roll or begin to lose rank values of such - in the same way that one loses Fortitude rank values upon running out of regular Health. When one is all out of Willpower, their mind is gone, essentially indicating that while their body is still alive, nobody's minding the store any longer. Which is, of course, never a good thing.

If a Gamemaster doesn't wish to separate physical Health from mental Health in this fashion, this secondary trait can instead be used as a sanity indicator. In such instances, mental Health loss can occur in the event of mind-bending occurrences, whether one is exposed to the alien physics of other universes, causal shifts, or other Things Man Was Not Meant To Know. Running out of mental Health means one has gone insane!

Mental Health recovers as does regular Health, though at a rate determined by one's Willpower instead of their Fortitude. Similarly, it is determined in the same fashion as is negative Health, but uses a character's Willpower rank value as a base, instead.

Table 32a: Negative / Mental Health Totals by Rank Value
Rank ValueNegative / Mental Health Totals
Rank Value 22
Rank Value 46 (the previous plus this rank value (4))
Rank Value 612 (the previous plus this rank value (6))
Rank Value 1022 (the previous plus this rank value (10))
Rank Value 2042 (the previous plus this rank value (20))
Rank Value 3072 (the previous plus this rank value (30))
Rank Value 40112 (the previous plus this rank value (40))
Rank Value 50162 (the previous plus this rank value (50))
Table 32b: Negative / Mental Health Totals by Rank Value
Rank ValueNegative / Mental Health Totals
Rank Value 75237 (the previous plus this rank value (75))
Rank Value 100337 (the previous plus this rank value (100))
Rank Value 150487 (the previous plus this rank value (150))
Rank Value 200687 (the previous plus this rank value (200))
Rank Value 5001187 (the previous plus this rank value (500))
Rank Value 10002187 (the previous plus this rank value (1000))
Rank Value 30005187 (the previous plus this rank value (3000))
Rank Value 500010187 (the previous plus this rank value (5000))


Recovery and Disability

When a character has lost Fortitude values or negative Health, they are often at a considerable disadvantage until they've fully recovered. While the latter heals as fast as regular Health, lost Fortitude rank values are recovered at a rate of one per week, barring the use of powers like recovery. While at a reduced Fortitude or suffering from negative Health loss, a character makes all ACTIONs rolls at a -2 RS.

A character who has slipped to rank value 0 Fortitude (or Willpower) has a longer road ahead, however. Even if rescued at the last minute by some agency, such characters are at risk of suffering permanent disabilities. When this occurs, the character must pass an ACTION roll on each trait and power they possess, the failure of which indicates that the rank value in question has suffered a significant decrease.

This loss comes in the form of a -1 RS applied, permanently, to that trait or power. This is indicative of permanent damage suffered by a character's near-death experience. Barring healing powers or equipment, the only way to resume the normal operation of such lost rank values is through the standard advancement process, representing difficult therapy to ultimately get over one's severe injuries.

If one's Fortitude is permanently disabled in this fashion, the character won't suffer the -2 RS penalty indicated above - their disability is penalty enough.

Gaining (and losing) Fortune

As a character moves through life, they experience a myriad of different events. How one responds to such events helps to define a character - perhaps more so than what's on their character sheet. After all, actions do speak louder than words, and one's actions invariably have an effect on others. Thus, a character's actions may cause them to either gain or lose Fortune, depending on their ethos.

Starting Fortune

As stated in the Traits portion of the rules, a character begins play with an amount of Fortune equal to the sum of their Intellect, Awareness, and Willpower rank values. This sum may be used in one of two fashions during play - as is determined by one's Gamemaster.

The first implies that this represents a character's inherent luck. As such, a character always begins an adventure (not necessarily an individual game session) with a like amount of Fortune, which he or she may spend to manipulate die rolls. This Fortune may not be saved, and cannot be dedicated to either a permanent team pool or an advancement pool - though a 'one shot' style team pool can make use of this Fortune.

The benefit of this interpretation is that players need not engage in quite so much bookkeeping. For example, knowing that they'll have that much Fortune handy might just free them up to put it all the Fortune they earn into either a team or advancement pool. Of course, players in such a game can still warehouse a large amount of Fortune for spending during play - they simply have more options in that regard.

Alternately, a Gamemaster might think this is too generous. If this is the case, such Fortune is subject to the 'no free lunch' rule, meaning that it represents Fortune earned before a character enters play - and once it's gone, it's gone. Such Fortune may be used for any purposes, even advancement, since it does not replenish itself over time. The character's actions, and their actions alone, provide more Fortune to use.

The benefit of this interpretation is that a Gamemaster can more readily control the pace of advancement in their campaigns. If he or she does not want players to ascend to greater heights of power quite so quickly, this interpretation of the starting Fortune trait can aid them in this regard. On top of carefully metering out the rewards they hand out in the first place, that is.

The quirks rules assume that the first interpretation of starting Fortune is in play. However, if the no free lunch restriction is applied to a campaign, this drastically affects two quirks which are directly related to starting Fortune: Karmic Dearth and Karmic Shell. When using the no free lunch rules, these quirks should be disallowed, as they're not particularly beneficial (or deleterious) over the long-term.

Character Defeats

Perhaps the simplest way to earn Fortune is overcoming one's foes. One need not bash their opponents' heads in to achieve such a victory, though given the nature of comic books and role-playing games in general, this is quite often how people succeed in life. Any significant victory over an opponent allows a character to earn Fortune points, based on just how competent that foe happens to be.

The base amount of Fortune a victory will provide is determined by the highest power rank value the vanquished foe possesses. A character whose highest rank value is her RV 100 mind control, for example, provides a base Fortune reward of 100 when defeated. If a defeated enemy has a skill or quirk which enhances that highest value further, raise the base reward by +1 RS (as if this foe's highest rank was RV 150).

For every doubling of traits or powers that have a rank number within 1 RS of that base value, consider it +1 RS as well. For instance, if that RV 100 mind controller had another power of rank value 75 or 100, add a +1 RS to her highest value for the purposes of determining her reward value, while if she had three more, one would add a +2 RS. This is handled in the same basic fashion as a buddy RS.

The flip side of this is, of course, losing in an effort against one's foe(s). Being defeated costs a character twenty-five Fortune points, assuming the public at large is unaware of this defeat. If a body is beaten in public, they instead lose fifty Fortune points. This is one reason villains tend to abscond with defeated heroes to place them within death traps - so they can be beaten twice!

Keeping Up Appearances

Another relatively easy way in which a character can earn Fortune, albeit in smaller sums than when crushing one's foe under their boot heel, is simply being dependable. Showing up for work when one is expected to, watching the kids every day, or even lording over the minions in the usual fashion is a good way to earn Fortune. Each week a character manages this, he or she should gain ten Fortune points.

Making commitments to others is another way in which a character can earn Fortune. Such commitments can be anything ranging from going out on a date, having a poker night with the buddies, or even hanging with those curmudgeons at the bar who like your tall tales so. As long as a character keeps such a commitment, they should earn five Fortune points - this reflects a body proactively trying to 'have a life'.

Third, a 'meta' sort of Fortune reward involves a character being played in character. If a player assumes the role of a wholesome, mom and apple pie kind of hero, only to have her utilize a brothel, they're not really playing that character appropriately. Sticking to one's guns and playing a character in the stated fashion, whether it is a pre-generated character or the player's own creation, is worth ten Fortune.

The downside to these options is, of course, failing to keep up appearances. Calling in sick from work to fight crime might earn a character plenty Fortune, but they'll first lose ten Fortune points for being undependable. Similarly, skipping one's scheduled gaming session to rob a bank costs them five Fortune points, and playing a character totally off-base will result in a loss of ten Fortune points.

Acts of Charity

Similar to the idea of keeping up appearances, a character has the ability to engage in charitable acts. This involves going out of their way to perform actions that are not combat related, doing things to the benefit of his or her community at large. Such acts can involve either a character's public or secret identities - or even both, if they're particularly motivated.

Once per week, a character may benefit from a charitable donation, gaining a minimum of ten Fortune points in the process. This minimum assumes no ACTION roll was required when making a donation (spare change in a charity drop box, et cetera). If a donation requires a Lifestyle ACTION, the amount gained can grow as high as the intensity of the Lifestyle ACTION in question - assuming that it's successful, of course.

Good deeds are another way to use one's abilities to help others. Such instances include a fire controller extinguishing forest fires, a healer moonlighting in a hospital, and so on. The Fortune gained with such work depends on the ACTION(s) required for such work. If no ACTION is necessary, the character gains ten Fortune, though if an ACTION is required to pull off such a good deed, the Fortune gained is equal to the intensity of such.

Dovetailing with the idea of making commitments, above, a character can make a personal appearance, appealing to others for charity - or simply giving a charity the benefit of public awareness through their own Repute. This gives a character an amount of Fortune equal to their Repute trait, though doing so first requires passing a successful yellow Repute ACTION with said charity.

They know heroic types are almost always ambushed by foes during such events, after all!

Character Ethos and Other Actions

Most other means of earning Fortune depend on a character's ethos. Heroes generally gain Fortune for doing good deeds and foiling crimes, while villains generally gain Fortune for doing bad deeds and committing crimes. This gets a bit murky when you consider that a character can fall within any one of five different ethical callings: either a good, evil, orderly, chaotic, or balanced morality.

Mastering the Game has much more on handling this, since a Gamemaster must decide whether a character's actions fit within their ethos (on top of being within character). However, various actions which can change one's Fortune are described in detail below. A character experiences the listed amount when preventing or committing such an act, or half that amount for arresting the perpetrator, allowing it to happen, or getting away with it.

* Inverse Repute actions occur when a heroic character is saddled with negative Repute, or a villain suddenly finds themselves with positive Repute, and has to make use of that opposing reputation for some reason or another (such as scaring a crowd out of an endangered area). Exploiting inversed Repute costs a character a number of Fortune points equal to their current Repute trait.

* Major Crimes are more serious illegal activities that do not readily fall into any other category of crime. This might include selling or trafficking drugs, gun running, or any other non-violent activity that national governments typically disapprove of. Major crimes involve a Fortune change of twenty points, though they often escalate into violent crimes.

* Minor Crimes are generally 'victimless' actions - nobody gets hurt as a direct result of one's activities, and property is not damaged or stolen. This category of actions can include any number of infractions against the law which, while minor, are still patently illegal. Events like this, such as driving recklessly or downloading music without permission, involve a Fortune change of ten points.

* Property Crimes run the gamut of actions against other people's property. This covers a wide range of activities that range from looting to theft to shoplifting to vandalism - or simply the destruction of a given thing. Such actions have a minimum Fortune rating of ten points, and can earn/lose more if the Lifestyle rating of the property involved is higher.

* Rescues / Imperilments involve saving those in dire peril of imminent harm or death - or placing innocents in such. This includes saving people from a burning building, tying victims to train tracks, or even placing a foe in a death trap. Each incident of this type allows a Fortune change of twenty points, to a maximum of one hundred Fortune in one instance (saving a busload of kids, for example).

* Robbery is similar to property crimes, above, save that it is done with the added threat of violence against the property's owner. Such activity can involve anything ranging from an armed robbery to extortion. A robbery involves a minimum Fortune change of thirty points, though this can range as high as the Lifestyle rank of a particularly good haul.

* Subversion involves crimes against an entire nation, actively working against its interests for another party - or to simply take it over for oneself! Activities ranging from the management of nation-spanning conspiracies to assaults on military personnel to sedition to treason itself are considered subversive in nature. An act of subversion involves a Fortune change of forty points.

* Violent Crimes involve inflicting grievous physical damage or other harm upon others. It can include anything ranging from kidnapping to assault to torture to murder. A violent crime involves a Fortune change of fifty points, as it can permanently scar (or even end the existence of) its victim, potentially haunting them for years to come.

* World Conquest - or at least a competent attempt at such - is often the culmination of many villains' goals. A plot or crime that would affect the entire world is one which involves a Fortune change of one hundred points, if only for the actual climax of said plot. A variety of steps along the way may well offer any number of additional opportunities to earn (or lose) Fortune!

Table 33a: Fortune Rewards and Penalties
ActionFortune Reward / Penalty
Major Crimes20 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit10 Fortune
Property Crimes10 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit5 Fortune
Robbery30 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit15 Fortune
Violent Crimes50 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit25 Fortune
Table 33b: Fortune Rewards and Penalties
ActionFortune Reward / Penalty
Minor Crimes10 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit5 Fortune
Rescues / Imperilments20 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit10 Fortune
Subversion40 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit20 Fortune
World Conquest100 Fortune
* Arrest/Escape/Permit50 Fortune


'... and Hilarity Ensued'

Finally, the whole point of the game is to have fun. This is why, when a player goes above and beyond in their efforts to entertain their fellows, they should be rewarded for it. A player who manages to do something so over the top (whether utterly 'stumping' the Gamemaster or simply when joking with their fellows) that the action is stopped by overwhelming laughter, they should be given a ten point Fortune award for their efforts.

Spending Fortune

That which separates a living, breathing hero from a cold, unfeeling robot, Fortune is a measure of a character's place in the cosmos. A reflection of who they are and what they've accomplished, Fortune can be cashed in for a variety of purposes, both selfish and selfless. But how does one actually go about spending Fortune to aid themselves and their allies, you ask?

Manipulating Die Rolls

The most common reason to spend Fortune is to manipulate the results of a die roll. Such rolls can be almost anything required of a character in the game, unless the ACTION in question specifically bars the use of Fortune from helping it to succeed (which is admittedly a rare occurrence). When a character wishes to spend Fortune on a die roll, they must declare it before the dice are thrown.

Upon declaring that Fortune will be used, the character will immediately spend ten Fortune points (or whatever they have left, if their Fortune is less than ten in total). The idea is that this helps to prevent characters from 'threatening' Fortune use without actually spending anything. Once the dice are thrown, the 'down payment' of ten (or less, if that's all that was available) Fortune will be immediately applied to them.

After the (modified) die result is apparent, the character in question may then cut his or her losses, if success would be too costly, or pay the additional amount required - if any - to allow the ACTION to succeed.

In rare instances, a player may spend Fortune to affect a result in combat after the dice are thrown - though only to reduce it. Characters may reduce the color result of combat effects on attacks that are ordinarily barred from doing so (anything that has a Kill result, for example). Doing this costs a character 25 Fortune points - but may save them more in the long run, if their attack would have killed, say, an innocent bystander.

Power Stunts

The greatest thing about having super-powers is that they often lend themselves to uses that are not readily apparent. A power stunt is a special use for a power that does not fit its description, strictly speaking, but seems apparent from its very nature. To attempt a power stunt, a player must first describe the stunt in question, as well as his or her logic as for why it should work.

If the Gamemaster approves of both, the character can attempt the stunt - at a cost of 100 Fortune points. The first time a power stunt is attempted, a yellow power ACTION is required for it to succeed. As such, the character in question may opt to spend even more Fortune to allow that to happen. If a power stunt fails on the first attempt, the possibility of making subsequent efforts is up to the Gamemaster.

But, once that stunt is successful at least once, the character attempting it may develop it into an official use for their power(s). This requires nine more successful uses of said stunt, and each additional attempt costs 100 Fortune points as well. The next four successes must be blue in color, while the last five merely have to be red (any success will do at this point).

Once a character has succeeded in the use of a power stunt ten times, it is considered an official part of their power roster at that point. Power stunts will typically operate at the rank value of the power that generated them, unless specifically described otherwise in a power's description, or if a power stunt duplicates a power with a higher point cost. In the latter case, subtract -1 RS for each additional point involved.

Team Pools

One extension of Fortune is the team pool. A team pool is a shared pool of Fortune that multiple characters can draw upon in the course of play. A team pool may be either temporary or permanent in nature. The former generally describes the transient team-ups that super-heroes tend to engage in over time, while a permanent pool is one which is maintained by a regular grouping of characters.

At least two characters are required to form a team pool. When this is done, the characters involved in a pool may contribute as much or as little Fortune as they desire. When a character leaves a team pool, he or she will take an amount of Fortune from it equal to their participation in such (leaving a team pool made by four characters will allow one to take one fourth of its Fortune with him or her).

Fortune from a team pool may not be used for a character's advancement - a facet of such which prevents a team from 'helping' one of their members to acquire greater power without working for it. Pool Fortune may be used for any other purposes, however, whether trying to avoid incoming attacks, stave off imminent death, or simply when trying to convince that special someone to go out on a date.

Other than the previous, the management of a team pool is up to the characters that belong to it. Decisions restricting its use for some reason or another should be a unanimous affair, if only to avoid bad feelings - and people leaving the pool in a huff. Of course, this sort of thing does happen in the comics all the time, so there is that.

When a character exits a team pool, he or she may not join it again for the duration of an adventure. There's nothing stopping a player from signing up with a completely different team pool immediately, however.

Advancement Pools

Another extension of Fortune is the advancement pool. A character may assign any Fortune he or she has earned to an advancement pool. When this is done, they lose access to said Fortune semi-permanently, as it is put aside for their advancement. A character need not state exactly what they intend to do with their advancement pool, at least until they are ready to make use of it, but until then such Fortune is off-limits.

The advantage of putting Fortune in an advancement pool is that it is not subject to loss for any reason. While a character's actions might cause them to lose whatever Fortune they've left for spending purposes, Fortune in an advancement pool is immune to such loss - no matter how far off the ranch a character's behavior may wander. Not even the Fortune Control power can lay a hand on advancement Fortune!

Once a character has saved enough Fortune for their intended purpose(s), they may finally withdraw Fortune from their advancement pool for immediate use. This use can be anything that would increase the prowess of a character, whether improving a capability they already have or giving them something new to draw upon in the course of their adventures.

Or, alternately, 'paying off' something they acquired in previous play.

Character Advancement

Players may advance their character in a wide variety of fashions.

To start with, they may wish to raise the rank value of a trait or an existing power. To do so, a character must raise either on a point by point basis, spending ten times each increased rank value to do so. For example, increasing one's Brawn from rank value 10 to rank value 12 would cost 230 Fortune points (first from rank value 10 to rank value 11 at a cost of 110, and then to rank value 12 at a cost of 120).

When advancing extant powers, this assumes that the ascendant ability has a cost of one point per rank value. When raising the rank of super-powers with a different base cost, multiply the standard cost by the power's listed cost per rank value notation. Raising the rank value of power duplication, for instance, takes a lot more work than improving one's environmental independence - or resistances, for that matter.

On the other hand, a player may wish to acquire an all-new ascendant power. The Fortune cost (and potential risk) involved when doing so depends on their character's origins. A high tech hero may just have to build a powerful new knick-knack, while an aberration of science may have to subject themselves to even more radiation to gain extra powers. See the individual character origin guides for more on this.

Acquiring new skills or contacts is relatively simpler than gaining new powers - and potentially far less harmful. A new skill costs a character 1,000 Fortune points for most skills, or 2,000 Fortune for a skill that counts as two. Elevating a standard skill to a tier 2 skill (double bonus) doubles the cost, while raising it to a tier 3 skill (triple bonus) triples the cost of the original skill.

A new contact is a slightly different affair, however. Contacts a character wishes to acquire after character generation have a base cost of 500 Fortune points, plus an additional amount equal to ten times their Lifestyle trait. Acquiring a contact with rank value 6 Lifestyle would only cost 560 Fortune, for example, while another with rank value 100 Lifestyle would instead cost the character 1,500 Fortune.

Generally, a character can acquire increases in power or new skills and contacts relatively easily - a simple explanation is all that is required for a tier 1 skill or a +1 RS in any trait or power value (she worked out harder, or hit the books more). Acquiring new powers though, as well as more intense bonuses to traits, powers, or skills, often require a bit more explanation from the player.

Which can in and of itself lead to even more adventures, if desired!

Antagonist Expenditures

The people, places, and things that populate reality alongside the protagonists of a tale, non-player characters have the same ability to manipulate the world around them, for the most part. NPCs are constrained by their status as NPCs in one important fashion, however, and that is in how they can spend whatever Fortune they happen to have listed on their character sheets. This is to help keep Judges honest.

The main Fortune constraint NPCs suffer is that they cannot spend it to directly harm their foes. For example, the Dastardly Denisovan cannot spend Fortune to throw his stone hammer at his heroic nemesis to crack her skull open, but he can spend Fortune to throw it at the control panel that activates the trap door she's standing over. The idea is to give player characters a fighting chance where possible.

Within this constraint, antagonists may otherwise spend Fortune as can their player character counterparts. They may blow vast amounts of the stuff while inventing (where they can't just steal whatever is needed to produce their evil products), to reduce the intensity of actions taken against them or their minions (to make their foes seem and feel ineffectual), and a whole lot more.

But an antagonists' greatest asset, where Fortune is concerned, is the ability to fund an escape! By expending one hundred Fortune, a foe the player characters are facing off against can extract themselves from the current encounter. This may involve an prearranged escape routes, a seemingly inescapable death, or even the revelation after the fact that the player characters were simply facing a duplicate of the real deal!

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