Supporting Edition 13!
For those of you who were wondering, I have added a 'Support Edition 13' button to the navigation of the site. Why did I do this, you ask? After all, my online efforts have been primarily self-sufficient since their inception, way back in 1998! I've made it a point to not ask folks for donations or whatever up until now, you see, because I never wanted to guilt anyone into funding my various projects.
Rest assured, the site is not about to fall off the face of the earth or anything. The thing is, though, assorted calamities have leeched away most of the liquidity inherent to our budget these last few years. And thus, keeping Edition 13 live, along with several associated projects, is a larger percent of said budget of late. This particularly with the SSL certificate for Edition 13's parent site needing maintained.
As such, I threw open the gates, should anyone wish to lend a hand in that regard. I initially considered setting up a 'Patreon' or something to that effect, but I'm going to work on what I'm going to work on, and interrupting work to do 'special requests' for 'patrons' would throw a serious wrench in overall progress for the Edition 13 project, as I'd have to pause what I was doing to engage in all-new research efforts.
Besides, it's not like I have a lot of time on any given day to add to my sites' extant, mammoth load of content. There's the school bus we're building into a Skoolie, for one thing, and important family business to deal with, too. On some days, I don't manage any writing of note, so I'd probably be letting down anyone who thought being a 'patron' to the site would get something they wanted. It probably wouldn't.
Thus, anyone who wishes to help with the upkeep of Edition 13, presuming they have a bit of spare cash on hand, can do so via the PayPal! What I've settled on for now is a direct donation thing, which anyone so inclined to utilize may do, at their leisure. This applies no pressure on me to hustle up donors, either on a one-time or regular basis, much less to satisfy those who want a say in what's added to the site.
After all, if you follow my progress, you most likely enjoy the work I'm performing here in the first place, so this is most likely up your proverbial alley. And this will help you ensure that the hits, such as they are, keep coming. But that's what this is all about, for those of you who were curious. I'm not pestering anyone for funds, but any funds anyone wants to share are most welcome.
So, here it is, in the event that you're interested. And if not, have a chibi Firebomb, drawn for me by my wonderful wife, to entertain you!
Brass Tacks
As far as hosting for (as well as all my other sites) is concerned, things are currently paid for through December 31st, 2025. The Edition 13 domain itself is paid for through December 31st, 2025 (presuming I have the exact date correct). If you're at all interested in funding either of these components of the site, click the chibi above, and leave a note saying where you'd like that hard-earned cash to go!