Basic Information About Edition 13
As stated on Technohol 13, Edition 13's parent site, I've been producing super-heroic gaming material for decades. I freely share the fruits of this labor with the world, and I never attempted to charge a dime for any of this work - even where I could probably get away with doing so. But as Technohol 13 ages, I grow wary of hosting my completely original content alongside material that hinges on others' copyrights.
Thus, I have created this web space explicitly for Edition 13 of the 4C System. This particular domain exists to showcase all my original writing for the 4C System, which I am publishing under the Edition 13 heading. Edition 13 is a slight conversion of the Costumed Adventurer Simulation Engine, my original Marvel Super-Heroes Role-Playing Game retro-clone, its terminology changed to match that of the 4C System's.
While both are primarily the same, as far as game mechanics go, there are a few distinctions between the two. Which is why my 4C System material is here, at, while my Costumed Adventurer Simulation Engine content is hosted at So if you want an MSH RPG retro-clone that hews even closer to the original game, hit that latter domain to check out my very similar work there.
Otherwise, stick around to take a look at what I've got cooking here!
Technical Details is a very simple site that belongs to the Technohol 13 constellation of such. All of the material featured here was originally written for Technohol 13, though I spun my entirely original works off to this and a few other related domains to keep them away from material that isn't clear of others' copyrights. Should Technohol 13 get knocked off the Internets somehow, this site should nonetheless remain!
This site itself does not have an SSL certificate, because it does not require one - no matter what Google would like you to believe. Just about everything served up by this web domain is entirely passive in nature. It's an information repository, and nothing more. The only active feature is the function I installed that allows those using it to change the color of's livery more to their liking.
And even that can be disregarded if one does not wish to use scripts or cookies, depending on their browser of course. Speaking of the color changing apparatus, readers may view in any of the four colors referred to by the 4C System, which include black, cyan, magenta, and yellow! Without choosing one of these, will cycle through them on its own over the course of a given month.
Edition 13's Content Sharing Policy
A distillation of decades worth of role-playing content creation, Edition 13 of the 4C System is an all-new variation on the original edition of that rule set. Similarly, I am happy to allow others to use some, or even all, of Edition 13's original rules text in their own, subsequent works, should they desire to. In making such an allowance, however, I am applying one important condition to any such efforts.
In other words, the Edition 13 rule set itself is offered under the Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0). You may copy and redistribute the text of the Edition 13 rules in any medium or format you wish. Furthermore, you may remix, transform, or build upon this material for any purpose, even those that are commercial in nature. That's pretty generous, when you get down to it.
The sole catch is that I require others to properly credit me and my writing when using it in their own products. After decades of having my material shamelessly stolen by countless bad actors in the gaming community, this point is non-negotiable. Such attribution of my contributions should include my name and e mail, as well as a link to itself. That's just about it!
Sure, the wish is that you also release the text of your own, subsequent Edition 13 rules developments under a like release, but I'm not going so far as to insist on that. The goal here is to enrich the community, after all, and the whole point of Edition 13 is to create an open-ended gaming system that belongs to everyone. But in the end, I ultimately cannot control how others will use my work.
Note that the above refers only to the text of the Edition 13 rules. Any art I commission for use in my own Edition 13 products is not covered under this free license, and I retain full copyright over that. Yes, the rules are free for everyone to use, but art is what makes an individual Edition 13 product (and potential, deluxe files featuring them) unique!