Entreaty Spells
An entreaty spell is one that is fueled by the energy of a thing, place, or being of power, as opposed to the caster or the world around them. They are more specific than dimensional energy spells, in that entreaties are tapping into a specific source of power to function, not necessarily other universes in general. They are indispensable tools for wielders of wizardry, for numerous reasons.
To start with, entreaty spells allow sorcerers to access founts of power that are external to themselves to manifest magical effects, sparing them the energy that would have otherwise been unavailable to perform subsequent actions. While they take a lot longer to cast (see the optional initiative modifiers rule), they are a lot less draining to their caster (see the optional fatigue rule).
Secondly, they allow a mage to develop a relationship of sorts with the beings, places, or things they are drawing power from. This is not quite as formal or useful as that provided by entreatists' Sorcerous Concordat, but let such wellsprings of power get to know their wielder better. Making these energy sources regard a thaumaturge in a friendlier light, after all, has benefits all its own.
Third, entreaty spells are not limited in their usage, as are direct entreaties for power. While a given provider of mystical energies might take notice if an enchanter excessively requests that he, she, or it bolster their other spells, one can cast entreaty spells as much as they like. Their wielders did their due dilligence with that power source, after all, and casting those spells serves as free advertising of a sort.
Perhaps the most important ability granted to spellslingers by entreaty spells, however, is a relatively easy means with which they can bypass the limitations of their mystic school's spell selection. Want a spell that belongs to another school of magic, and don't want to bother researching it independently? Master an entreaty to some source of power that provides it, since they're generally school-agnostic!
Crafting Entreaty Spells
While entreaty spells are powerful and versatile additions to the mystic arsenal of any mage, adding them to said arsenal isn't always that cut and dried. For one thing, the specific places, things, and beings which can be invoked to fuel entreaty spells vary from campaign to campaign, which can make moving one's favorite sorcerer from one game to another tricky - despite them being notorious for crossing dimensions.
To add entreaty spells to one's spell roster, much less a game in general, it is important to know just what can be entreated in the first place. This is often an ancillary portion of the campaign's background, one which isn't immediately thought out, at least unless the game in question is to focus on magical matters. After that, players must decide what entreaty spells each mystic agency supports.
Since entreaty spells can manifest almost any power effect in the game, one can simply attach a few powers that speak to the character of what a given energy source represents, renaming them to make them more distinct. Diablo Ofical, the example character generated in the entreatist micro-expansion, utilizes this method almost exclusively. Naming convention aside, however, this can be somewhat bland.
Alternately, players can concoct specific, original spell effects to be associated with those things, beings, and places which fuel entreaty spells. This can be done at the beginning of a campaign, or worked out by players as it progresses. The benefit of the latter method of entreaty crafting is that it adds more flavor to the various agencies of power throughout the campaign, giving both a lot more style.
Should players wish to enjoy the best of both worlds, they can utilize both methods of entreaty crafting. A few 'basic' entreaty spells, along with a unique invocation or two, really helps to flesh out that which fuels entreaty spells. In long-running games, one can readily watch the character of such beings, things, and places grow right alongside their own avatars within the campaign!
Agencies Empowering Entreaty Spells
The process of selecting things, places, and beings of power to energize entreaty spells, as well as actually choosing entreaty spells dedicated to them, can be a daunting and time-consuming one. As such, the incredibly obscure deities known as the Anunnaki and the Igigi are described here, along with a list of conventional spell effects one might entreat such beings to empower, as an example for you!
Abzu: the first husband of Tiamat, Abzu is the progenitor of the gods, whether they be Anunnaki or Igigi. Embodying both fresh underground aquifers and the primordial order of the cosmos, Abzu is often entreated for power despite residing in the Valley of the Dead Gods. He readily fuels or bolsters entreaties and entreaty spells related to his area of influence, such as Detoxification, Nature Control / Water, and Yclept.
the Abzu: confusingly named for the deity who originally comprised it, the Abzu is a vast freshwater ocean situated far underground - so far underground, in fact, that it lies below the underworld of Irkalla! The lair of Enki, the Abzu is a powerful focus of elemental water, and sorcerers can pry energy from it for related spellcraft. Of course, some have also written a specific entreaty spell related to the Abzu: Dual Respiration!
Adad: a mighty weather god, Adad is often seen sporting his signature lightning bolts and either a club or a battle axe. Ambitious and ruthless, he vied against Yahweh and other outsider weather deities for the love of their people, though they ultimately stole his proverbial thunder. Adad and his family are often beseeched to fuel or empower weather control spells or similar elemental capabilities.
Anshar: third King of the Gods and lord of the horizon, Anshar represents where sky meets earth. Ambitious beyond compare, Anshar is the son of Lakhmu and Lakhamu, and is also known as Alalu and Asshur. His name is often invoked to bolster spells to seize or retain power over others, and Anshar definitely empowers entreaty spells that involve crossing borders and horizons, such as Circular Vision and Super Jumping.
Anu: the fourth King of the Gods, Anu is the lord of the heavens themselves. Having created Ubshukkina, and organized the gods into either the Anunnaki or the Igigi, Anu is often associated with concepts such as order, power, and space. He will readily embolden magic related to such things, and may specifically fuel Carrier Wave, Dimensional Transit, and Elemental Control / Quintessence entreaty spells.
Antu: originally known as Ki, Antu is the sister and bride of Anu. Previously mistress of the underworld of Irkalla, Antu was ultimately separated from this realm by the antics of her son, Enlil. Associated with the earth, specifically its deeper reaches, not to mention motherhood, Antu often enhances associated magic, and may grant wizards the power to cast Nature Control / Earth and Super Digging entreaty spells.
Aranzah: also known as Aranzahas to the Hittites, Aranzah is one of Teshub's younger brothers, and helped him depose Enlil (as Kumarbi) from kingship over the Hurrian gods. The metaphysical embodiment of the Tigris river, Aranzah is more appropriately an abstract entity insted of a divine being. Nonetheless, he is likely to grant entreaties to either directly power or to enhance spells related to river usage.
Aya: one of the oldest known deities worshiped by humans, Aya is the goddess of youth and the dawn of a new day. She used to be one of the most important of the gods, though others have made off with many of her roles. Often fuels entreaties related to youth, love, mornings, and motherhood, and empowers entreaty spells such as Daybreak, Eldritch Bolts (light), and Emotion Control (love and lust).
Azimua: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Azimua represented the pain in his side. While she is the wife of Gishzida, any other metaphysical properties she may have or legends attributed to her are as of yet unknown. However, she is likely to at least grant entreaties to bolster Healing / Other spells, or fuel direct entreaties for such.
Banda: originally a mortal man, Banda was the lugal (king) of Uruk, one of the first cities on earth. During his adventures he was touched by the gods, given the ability to run at incredible velocities, finally wedding (and becoming) one of them. The lugal Banda is often entreated to aid and abet spells such as Super Tracking and, his favorite, Super Running.
Birdu: also known as Birtum and Bibu'tu, Birdu is one of the Igigi. He is principally known as the messenger of Enlil, which is possibly how he fell into the orbit of his granddaughter, Nungal. Her husband, Birdu is also the Akkadian word for 'spots' or 'pimples', and thus may be entreated, either as a unique spell or to bolster other magic, in matters of sending messages, the underworld in general, or even disease.
Bunene: Shamash's sukkal, Bunene is that deity's first-born son - or daughter, depending. He drives the solar chariot across the heavens daily, occasionally even filling in as the sun for Shamash. Often grants entreaties related to administrative work, assisting others, and driving, and can be invoked to power Conflagrant Chariot, Disguise, and Eldritch Bolts (solar plasma) entreaty spells.
the Chaos: the origin of all, the Chaos is the wellspring of the multiverse itself! Before there was time or space, there was the Chaos, and from it emerged Tiamat and Abzu, as well as any number of additional deities. The Chaos is a natural target of entreaties and entreaty spells related to chaos in its default state, or diluted forms such as creation, destruction, or disruption, as well as the Wrest spell.
Dukuga: similar to his brother, Enmesharra, most of Dukuga's life is enigmatic. A dead god, Dukuga was slain either during or immediately after the conflict between Anu and Anshar, and resides in the Valley of the Dead Gods when he isn't paroled to work as one of the underworld's gatekeepers. If still able, he might fuel entreaties for power and entreaty spells related to betrayal or guard duty.
Enbilulu: one of the first sons of Enlil and Ninlil, Enbilulu is the chief deity of irrigation and canals in the Anunnaki. Vitally important to the growth of civilization, Enbilulu and his works were critical to human development, even if little else besides his job is understood about him. As far as granting entreaties or fueling entreaty spells, Enbilulu likely supports magic used in the taming of water.
Enmesharra: not much is known about Enmesharra, brother of Anu. While the area of influence his divinity pays homage to is a mystery, his treason against the Anunnaki in acting to prevent Anu's ascension to King of the Gods is legendary. One of many deities resident in the Valley of the Dead gods, it is unknown what, if any, entreaties Enmesharra might actually lend his power to - or even if he's still able to.
Enki: the son of Anu and Antu, Enki is a powerful yet mysterious member of the Anunnaki. He is widely considered a wise and crafty god, a mystic master as well as something of a troublemaker. He's the reason you or I even exist, after all, so he should get credit for that at the very least. Furthermore, as the father of mighty Marduk, the gods owe Enki the same debt of gratitude that we mere mortals do.
From his home in the Abzu, carved out of the remains of his ancestor of the same name, Enki works his weird magic in various endeavors. Whether beneficial, malevolent, or inexplicable, Enki is always up to something. He is often entreated for power by those questing for knowledge or engaging in trickery, and readily empowers entreaty spells related to water, sleep, or manipulating life, such as his Gestalting magic.
Enkidu: an artificial being crafted by Ninhursag to help temper Gilgamesh's excesses, Enkidu began life as a wild man, one with nature. Losing his link with nature once Gilgamesh plotted to civilize him, Enkidu was originally a foil to the king, but eventually became his close friend. Though a deceased demigod, Enkidu is potent enough that he can still fuel some entreaty spells reflecting his legend, such as Inodoriferous.
Enlil: the mighty first-born child of Anu and Antu, Enlil ultimately became the fifth King of the Gods upon the birth of his own first son, Sin. Ruthlessly ambitious, Enlil clung to power with an iron fist when he should have passed it on to Sin, the final link in a chain of events that ultimately prompted Tiamat's war on the Anunnaki. Of course, while Enlil lost power in Babylon, he has constantly strived to seize it elsewhere.
Infamously posing as Asshur, Kumarbi, and Yahweh after permanently losing his position to Marduk, Enlil readily steals energies and prestige from others to slake his thirst for power - this while still professing to serve his new 'king'. As such, the ambitious often entreat Enlil for aid in the casting of numerous spells dedicated to the acquisition of power, a tendency punctuated by his signature entreaty spell, Power Absorption.
Enshagag: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Enshagag represented a pain in his limbs. While it is unknown what metaphysical properties or legends were attributed to him so long ago, Enshagag was the lord of Dilmun, and will at least grant entreaties to bolster Healing / Other spells, if not direclty fueling entreaties for such magic.
Ereshkigal: one of the most important - and unstable - Anunnaki, Ereshkigal is the Queen of the Dead. The undisputed Mistress of Irkalla, the Land of the Dead, this goddess holds sway over worshipers of the Anunnaki who have passed on, as well as those deities who have fallen over the years. Her power is so great that even Enlil's son, Nergal, has fallen under her spell!
Holding power over the souls of so many mortals, not to mention an entire court of underworld deities, Ereshkigal is invoked in all manner of prayers and entreaties. Typically called upon where matters of life and death are concerned, Ereshkigal's name is often a component in curses of all types, and she specifically fuels Death Ray, Reanimation, and Soul Control entreaty spells.
Geshtinanna: brother of Tammuz, Geshtinanna is primarily a scribe of the gods, though who she works for depends on the time of year. She documents souls passing into Irkalla while taking Tammuz's place in the underworld, while helping to keep records in Ubshukkina when she isn't. She can be implored to empower or enhance magic related to farming, scribing, mercy, or the Quittance entreaty spell.
Gibil: a god of fire in all its forms, Gibil is often considered a destructive deity. At the same time, he's known for his mastery of flames, and has learned to channel them into the forging of metal implements. Smart beyond compare, even Gibil's fellow gods cannot fathom the depths of his ahead-of-his-time intellect, and he's often implored to empower or bolster fire or smithing magics, especially Super Invention.
Gilgamesh: one of the Anunnaki's mightiest warriors, Gilgamesh is two-thirds divine, and the son of both Banda and Ninsun. Legendary for his strength and prowess in battle, Gilgamesh was a mighty king of Uruk, but then he definitely had an unfair, divine advantage over his many, many enemies. And his friends as well, for before he was introduce to the artificial man Enkidu, Gilgamesh was quite debauched.
With Enkidu, Gilgamesh performed several heroic deeds, crossing swords with numerous gods and monsters. Though partly mortal, Gilgamesh lives on due to the longevity provided by his nigh-unaging ancestors, and continues his heroic deeds to this very day. Able to grant boons to spellcasters, Gilgamesh will readily aid magic related to strength, warfare, or kingship, and empowers the Unyielding Will entreaty spell.
Gishzida: son of Ninazu and Ninsutu, Gishzida is a god of grains, specifically those used to feed domesticated animals. As such, he journeys to the underworld alongside Tammuz for half the year, where he helps wrangle Ninazu's bashmu, mushkhusshu, and ushumgal. Often implored to empower magic related to vegetation and reptiles, he most often fuels Dyad entreaties, as that ability best reflects one of his own.
Gugalanna: the Bull of Heaven, Gugalanna was kept at the beck and call of Anu when it wasn't... passing the time with Ereshkigal. Until Ishtar sicced him on Gilgamesh, Gugalanna enjoyed life to the fullest... at which point he was slain by that hero and his partner, Enkidu. Though dead, the spirit of Gugalanna shines bright in the Valley of the Dead Gods, and he can still empower Tramplede, and adjacent magic, as he sees fit.
Gula: the chief goddess of healing amongst the Anunnaki, Gula works hard to preserve sentient life in all its forms. A master surgeon, she strives to oppose the will of Ereshkigal and Lamashtu, though they are usually content to let Gula waste her time prolonging the inevitable. Long associated with dogs, she is often invoked in matters related to them as well as healing, and she happily fuels the Grace entreaty spell.
Haia: an obscure member of the Igigi, Haia is the father of Ninlil, and thus related to the Anunnaki by marriage. The warden of warehouses and the protector of portals, Haia is the quartermaster of the heavens. Haia may be entreated to asisst accounting, logistics, and service work efforts, and specifically empowers Admittance, Internal Universe, Transient Universe, and Wondrous Warehouse entreaty spells.
Hendursag: one of Enlil's many children, Hendursag (also known as Ishum) is the night watchman of the gods. Carrying beneficial flame in the form of a torch, he patrols the lands in his never-ending search for threats to their peace and tranquility. A proactive and protective deity, Hendursag is likely to assist in the casting of spells intended to reveal danger or illuminate the darkness.
Irkalla: a realm accessed deep beneath the earth, Irkalla is a dark and dismal place. Originally carved out by Antu, the underworld was left unmanaged when Enlil severed the link between heaven and earth, at least until Ereshkigal claimed it as her own. Irkalla is often invoked to enhance magic related to death, darkness, imprisonment, and the earth, and the plane itself can specifically power Quid Pro Quo entreaty spells.
Ishtar: one of the most famous of the Anunnaki, Ishtar is possessed of incomparable ambition. Originally a goddess of love, she's worked hard over the last six millennia to increase her power, subordinating other deities to take control of their spheres of influence, adding law, justice, and war to her first. She is symbolized by an eight-pointed star and, as is often the case with gods of love and sex, the planet Venus.
Though slain by Ereshkigal while attempting to conquer her and her realm, as she did with so many other gods previously, Ishtar escaped internment in the Valley of the Dead Gods thanks to the efforts of Enki, and thus continues her efforts to conquer all to this day. She will happily grant entreaties for power or empower entreaty spells related to any of her areas of concern, especially her magic of the Warrior's Art.
Khushbishag: a member of the Igigi, Kushbishag is one of the gods of Babylon. For the most part, details about her history and lineage have been lost over time, but she is known to be the spouse of Namtar, god of disease. Khushbishag has similar capabilities, which is probably why she and Namtar hit it off, and can likely be entreated (either to bolster other spells or as spells dedicated to her) in a similar fashion.
Kishar: mistress of horizons, Kishar represents the area where earth meets sky at the world's end. Originally known as Belili, she took a variant on Anshar's name upon coming together with him to conceive Anu. Like her spouse, Kishar's name is on occasion invoked to enhance sorcery that involves crossing borders and horizons, and is specifically used to catalyze Circular Vision and Super Jumping entreaty spells.
Kittu: one of the offspring of Aya and Shamash, Kittu is obsessed with the truth over all else. While he (or she?) isn't standing in for his father in his role as the sun, Kittu assists the Anunnaki in getting to the bottom of legal matters, whether mortal or divine. Kittu fuels entreaties regarding investigative work of various types, and empowers Bane of Lies, Eldritch Bolts (solar plasma), and Lie Detection entreaty spells.
Lakhmu: the first son of Abzu and Tiamat, Lakhmu was the second King of the Gods. Embodying the mineral-rich alluvial sands which collect where fresh and salt water meet, Lakhmu appears as either a human, a half-man, half-snake, or a wyrm. He may bolster spells related to potential, growth, and life, and will fuel entreaty spells reflecting his own physical capabilities, such as Elongation and Super Swimming.
Lakhamu: Tiamat and Abzu's first daughter, Lakhamu's original name is lost to antiquity, having taken an homage to her husband Lakhmu's when they wed. A primordial goddess, she is a therianthrope, existing as a human, a wyrm, or somewhere in-between, much like her husband. Lakhamu often grants power by bolstering magic adjacent to potential, life, and growth, and fuels Elongation and Super Swimming entreaty spells.
Marduk: the seventh and final King of the Gods, Marduk won that position after personally defeating Qingu, his predecessor, and then Tiamat herself! Presiding over the city of Babylon until its decimation at the hands of Nergal, Marduk is a wise divinity that possesses a 'double godhead', a unique trait inherited thanks to his birth within the corpse of his ancient and recently deceased ancestor, Abzu.
A powerful wizard like his father, Marduk is familiar with many aspects of magic. One could call him a patron of such, but in truth Marduk was on the cusp of absorbing the the Ziggurati's power and very identities into himself as part of a plan to achieve ultimate power, but he was a day late and a dollar short on that score. At any rate, Marduk may well grant any entreaty for power, and fuels Nimiety entreaty spells.
Martu: something of a stereotype deity, Martu is a diivine representation of the 'barbarian' Amorites. Of course, this supposedly 'savage' and 'uncultured' warrior gained more prominence as more of the Amorite people came to live within Sumer. In addition to directly fueling the Berserker entreaty spell, Martu often offers other so-called 'unwashed masses' power when asked, especially when they battle elitists.
Mesharu: the daughter (or son?) of Shamash and Aya, Mesharu serves as the instrument of justice for her father, pursuing that ideal for him when he's busy with other matters, like serving as our sun. Mesharu is inclined to support entreaties related to the pursuit or dispensation of justice, and specifically fuels Disguise, Eldritch Bolts (solar plasma), and Judicature entreaty spells.
Mummu: the second son of Tiamat and Abzu, Mummu represents the mist that arises where fresh water meets its salty counterpart. He is also a god of technical excellence, or skilled labor, as well as obscure knowledge and the unmaking of things. He is likely to enhance magic related to skills, order (generally in its more sinister applications), and is known specifically for his Logos entreaty spell.
Namtar: the master of plague, Namtar is the god of disease. The son of Enlil and Ereshkigal, Namtar is loved by both parents, for he serves as his mother's sukkal in the underworld realm of Irkalla, and smites the enemies of his father with alacrity. He often supports entreaties designed to dispense or dispense with disease, and specifically powers Disease, Cure Disease, and Threescore Pestilence entreaty spells.
Nanshe: born from the very body of Enki with Ninhursag's aid, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Nanshe was birthed to relieve a pain in her father's neck. She has since come to champion various issues of social justice, nurturing orphans, refugees, and widows, and may fuel or enhance magic cast to benefit such victims of humanity's indifferent nature.
Neti: one of Ereshkigal's servants, Neti is the doorkeeper of the underworld. It is his task to guard the seven gates leading from earth to Irkalla, and he has the power to back up this charge. He is likely to grant entreaties for power that bolster magic intended to seal doors or otherwise bar entry to a space, and might directly empower a counterspell to Admittance, if not Admittance itself.
Nergal: while associated with death gods, Nergal isn't one. No, he's specifically a god of murder, aiding and abetting various means of dispatching others - usually, the more gruesome the effort, the more Nergal likes it. Fire, disease, poison, sharp pointy things, they're all Nergal's friends. While he readily supports requests to empower or enhance violent magic, Nergal's favorite sorcery is his Lethality entreaty spell.
Nezila: a member of Nungal's court, it is Nezila's job to make matters jovial when the situation requires it. Of course, being that Nungal runs an interplanar prison complex, such occasions are rare in the extreme - but they do occur. Spellcasters entreating Nezila for power often do so when attempting to enhance magic cast to create a perfect event, whether a birthday party, a wedding reception, or other celebratory events.
Ninazu: born atop the Serpent's Mount, Ninazu is the child of Ereshkigal and Gugalanna. Sharing the dark passions of his mother and the bestial nature of his father, Ninazu is the mostly benevolent King of Snakes, but has his violent moments. He grants all manner of entreaties related to snakes, and specifically fuels Detoxificaiton, Healing / Others, Ophidia, and Poison entreaty spells.
Nindimgul: the chief prosecutor in Nungal's great prison, it is Nindimgul's duty to identify those guilty of capital crimes, and to notify Nungal of such. This implies the ability to see guilt or innocence, and to divine what is true and what is false. As such, if entreated, Nindumgul will likely bolster spells to that effect, or alternately directly fuel Lie Detection or Postcognition entreaty spells.
Ningiriutud: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Ningiriutud represented the pain in his nose. Though any additional metaphysical properties he may have are as of yet unknown, he is likely to grant entreaties to bolster Healing / Other or Redolence spells, or fuel direct entreaties to cast either.
Ninhursag: the chief mother goddess amongst many associated with the Anunnaki, Ninhursag is the wife of mighty Enki. Taking after Tiamat, she is a powerful creator of new organisms, weaving them from from whole cloth, or in a pinch, using a drop of Qingu's blood. Ninhursag is often invoked in matters of creation, being an artist of flesh and life, and her Blood of Qingu entreaty spell is dangerously powerful!
Ninkasi: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Ninkasi represented the pain in his mouth. Ninkasi also has a famous role in mythology as a goddess of beer and the brewing of such, and likely can be entreated to enhance magic cast to assist in either healing or the production of beer, and may very well fuel dedicated entreaty spells to that effect.
Ninkharana: little is known of this Igigi goddess, whose name loosely translates to the Lady of the Highway. A deity in the entourage of Nungal, Ninkharana travels far and wide, regularly returning to her mistress' domain to give her the latest news. Any entreaty spells specific to her are as of yet unrevealed, but she can likely be entreated to enhance magic related to travel and correspondence.
Ninlil: Ninlil was initially a goddess of grain like her mother, Nisaba. Upon marrying mighty Enlil, however, she also became a goddess of the wind, not to mention Queen of the Gods while her husband ruled the Anunnaki. She is likely to grant entreaties related to agriculture, leadership, and motherhood, and often fuels Headway and Nature Control (both Plants and Air) entreaty spells.
Ninmada: very little is known about this son of Ereshkigal and Gugalanna. Born after Ninazu, it's possible that he is in fact the younger twin of that more powerful deity, for he also has serpentine abilities, having been called 'Enlil's snake charmer.' He can likely be entreated for power to fuel spells related to serpents or other reptiles, and may well empower the same entreaty spells that Ninazu can.
Ninsikil: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Ninikil represented the pain on his scalp. Though any additional metaphysical properties she may have are as of yet unknown, she is likely to grant entreaties to bolster Healing / Other or Nature Control / Water spells, or fuel direct entreaties to cast either.
Ninsutu: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Ninsutu represented the pain in his teeth. The spouse of Ninazu, Ninsutu is thus the mother of Gishzida. Though any additional metaphysical properties she may have are as of yet unknown, she is likely to grant entreaties to bolsters Healing / Other spells, or fuel direct entreaties for such.
Ninurta: one of Enlil's many sons, Ninurta is the soldier god. Neither a warlord nor a general, Ninurta has orders to battle with gods of other pantheons who encroach on the Anunnaki's domain, as well as those monsters that threaten his brethren. He often fuels entreaties related to the weather, especially in the spring, Super Tracking when hunting one's foes, or various other combative matters.
Nisaba: possibly the most popular of Anu and Antu's daughters, Nisaba got her start as a goddess of grain, but became better known as a goddess of writing, and the chief scribe of the Anunnaki, as civilization progressed. Often grants entreaties related to the advancement of society in some fashion, and entreaty spells drawing on her power include Homogenization, Inspiration, Linguistics, and Nature Control / Plants.
Ninti: born from the very body of Enki, to relieve one of the eight self-inflicted ills that threatened his life, Ninti represented the pain in his rib. Known as the Lady of the Rib, Ninti's birth has spawned numerous other myths over time. While some of her siblings represent several facets of reality, Ninti is definitely known for healing, and readily bolsters healing magic or directly fuels healing entreaty spells.
Nungal: daughter of Enlil and Ereshkigal, Nungal was born in the underworld of Irkalla. Embracing all aspects of her heritage, she quickly came to oversee the domain of Ilurugu, prison of the gods, as its warden. As the mistress of those damned by the Anunnaki, Nungal is often implored for mystical aid when binding, neutralizing, or otherwise imprisoning their foes, in particular empowering Quash entreaties.
Papsukkal: though records are sketchy at best, Papsukkal was originally the son and servant of Enmesharra, brother of Anu and enemy of the Anunnaki. After their defeat, Papsukkal eventually resurfaced as the minion of the minor god Zababa, ultimately being given the task of serving Anu and Antu, though whether this was done as a reward or as penance is as of yet unknown.
Qingu: the fourth child of Tiamat and Abzu, and the sixth King of the Gods, Qingu is something of a black sheep amongst the Mesopotamian deities. But then, he did war with them at his mother's behest, and cowed all of the Anunnaki into submission - save for Marduk. A god of unskilled laborers and temporary workers, Qingu is known to enhance chaotic magic, and will definitely empower the Whatever entreaty spell.
Shamash: the son of Sin, the moon good, and Ningal, the goddess of reeds, Shamash is the sun itself! Riding on his chariot after Aya brings about the dawn each day, Shamash is driven across the sky by his sukkal. From his vantage point high in the sky, Shamash sees everything, and thus knows the truth of all things. His most famous children include Bunene, Kittu, and Mesharu.
Shamash is invoked in numerous prayers, not to mention entreaties for power. He is often implored to enhance spells cast to get at the truth of a matter, to interpret dreams, to see the future, or to burn away demons, disease, or poisons. Furthermore, actual entreaty spells that Shamash regularly supports include Aura (solar plasma), Fulgor, Lie Detection, Precognition, and various vision-based entreaty spells.
Sin: the first-born son of Enlil and Ninlil, Sin is the god of the moon. Symbolized by the crescent moon, which is often compared to a bull's horns, this lord of the night's efforts were critical in the early days of human civilization. In particular, he helped shepherds ply their trade away from the brutal sun of the Middle East, guiding them in their works with the much gentler light he regularly provides.
While he was next in line to assume kingship over the gods upon the birth of his first son, Shamash, Enlil's lust for power and the subsequent war with Tiamat put the kibosh on that. Nonetheless, Sin is a highly placed member of the Anunnaki, one who is often invoked to fuel or bolster spells related to traveling through the night, law and justice and, and illuminating the darkness, as with his Ultravision entreaty spell.
Tammuz: one of the oldest deities on earth, Tammuz has also been worshiped longer than any other - in fact, he was venerated until just a century or so ago! The shepherd god, Tammuz spends half his time in the underworld of Irkalla thanks to his wife, Ishtar, who felt he didn't mourn her when she, herself, was trapped there (even if she managed that due to her own arrogant overconfidence).
Trading places with his sister Geshtinanna for half the year, Tammuz is allowed to spend his time on parole supporting the growth of vegetation. Important to man and god alike, Tammuz is well-respected, and is often venerated for his duty to both. Similarly, he is often imposed upon to aid and abet the casting of magic related to plant growth, manipulating animals, and of course his signature entreaty spell, Keeper.
the Tablet of Destinies: totem of law amongst the Anunnaki, whoever holds the Tablet may rightfully declare themselves the King of the Gods. Of course, a set of traditions are associated with the Tablet, and those who defy them risk destroying it while attempting to retain power indefinitely. Though inanimate, the Tablet has a certain will to it, and will indiscriminately grant entreaties related to law and order.
Teshub: the inexplicable result of a vicious battle over leadership of the Hurrian gods, Teshub was born into a life of conflict. A slayer of monsters, a master of dragons, and lord of the storm, Teshub ultimately became the leader of this pantheon. He readily bolsters magic related to snakes or storms, and will directly fuel Bashmu, Body Armor, Detoxification, and Weather Control entreaty spells.
Tiamat: he original divinity, Tiamat is the ancestress of both the Anunnaki and the Igigi, and the creatrix of many, many creatures associated with that collection of gods. The embodiment of the sea, Tiamat's moods are just as mercurial and merciless, which is why the first goddess is associated with chaos and danger, reflecting her ever-changing form regardless of its composition.
Both creator and destroyer, Tiamat holds a unique position within the Anunnaki, being either friend or foe depending on both when one asks and the situation at hand. Having a highly complex nature, Tiamat may readily be invoked to empower or bolster numerous spells, whether related to the seas, chaos, changing one's form, or even when fueling her signature ability, Buttress.
Ubshukkina: crafted by Anu, Ubshukkina is the celestial heaven, a realm beyond the stars. The home plane of the Anunnaki, at least those who don't reside in Irkalla or below, Ubshukkina is where the gods can conduct their business beyond mortal perception. Numerous spells related to creating or traversing dimensions can be boosted by invoking this plane, if not using it to fuel the Internal Universe entreaty spell itself.
Ullikummi: the bizarre offspring of Enlil and a mountain, Ullikummi is a blind, deaf, and animate volcanic peak. A true monster with almost world-shaking power, Ullikummi was ultimately slain by Teshub with the help of several other Anunnaki, but it took some doing. And some of that is because of the special ability it possesses, Imaginary Mass, which its deific spirit will share with almost anyone who asks.
Utnapishtim: one of the last members of the first human race, Utnapishtim's tale has been lifted for use in countless other traditions. Informed by Enki that Enlil was to wipe out mankind with a flood, Utnapishtim built an Ark to preserve his family and most forms of animal life on earth in the face of this doom! Utnapishtim happily fuels spells such as longevity, and specifically powers the Zest entreaty.
Uttu: both the daughter and great granddaughter of Enki, Uttu's tale is a strange one that helped to demonstrate the limits of Enki's otherwise vast abilities. A goddess of weaving, Uttu is often thought of as a goddess of spiders, and as such she is often invoked when one casts magic related to such creatures or their products, and she specifically empowers the Psi Web entreaty spell.
Honorable Mention
While there isn't a whole lot of information available on the Anunnaki or their subordinates, the Igigi, those described previously at least have something to go on that hasn't been lost over the last seven thousand years. On the other hand, many more are known to humanity and history only by their names and, when fortunate, some family relation or function. Some of these deities include:
Children of the Ziggurati: the story of the Ziggurati is a generational one, with family after family of deities rising and falling as time progresses. While major Mesopotamian gods and goddesses are described above, there are many who have slipped into extreme obscurity over the last seven thousand years, their lineages all that is known about them. Some of these entities include the following:
- Amashilama: daughter of Ninazu and Ninsutu, Amashilama may be a leech and/or healing goddess.
- Dullum: the son of Nungal, Dullum is an underworld deity, though little is known about his true nature.
- Hedu: one of the five daughters of Papsukkal.
- Igalimma: little is known of Igalima, one of the sons of Ninurta, aside from his position in the court of Nungal.
- Khedimkug: very little is currently understood about Khedimkug, the daughter of Namtar and Khushbishag, aside from her origins in the underworld.
- Manzat: goddess of the rainbow, Manzat is one of Sin's and Ningal's many daughters.
- Minunesi: daughter of Adad and Shala, Minunesi is possibly a minor weather goddess as well.
- Mishaga: one of the five daughters of Papsukkal.
- Namashmash: daughter of Adad and Shala, Namashmash is possibly a minor weather goddess as well.
- Ninhedu: one of the five daughters of Papsukkal.
- Ninkurra: the daughter of Ninshar and mother of Ninimma, Ninkurra had the ephitet of Lady Pasture.
- Pappap: one of the five daughters of Papsukkal.
- Shubanuna: daughter of Adad and Shala, Shubanuna is possibly a minor weather goddess as well.
- Siris: the patron demoness of beer, Siris is the daughter of Ninkasi.
- Usuramassu: child of Adad and Shala, Usuramassu is often found in Ishtar's company. She is known for her prowess with the law and, like the children of Shamash, is depicted in both male and female forms.
Spouses of the Ziggurati: as much as has been revealed over the last century or so regarding the ancient deities of Mesopotamia, the sad truth is that most of what was known about some is merely their names. Many sources of such names, the so-called god lists, also note their marriages to others, if little else. Some of these almost-lost gods mostly known for their spouses include the following:
- Amasagnudi: the long-suffering bride of Papsukkal, Amasagnudi has stuck with her husband despite his former allegiances.
- Ashratum: wife of the so-called outsider, Martu, Ashratum is similarly considered an uncultured barbarian.
- Astarte: bride of the outsider god Yahweh, Astarte something of an Ishtar-lite, having similar spheres of influence.
- Ellamesi: little is known of the wool goddess Ellamesi, aside from her marital attachment to Shumuqan.
- Kulla: bride of Teshub, Kulla aids her husband in the administration of the Serpent's Mount.
- Mamud: daughter of Sin and wife of Bunene, Mamud sends messages from the gods to mere mortals in the form of dreams.
- Namrat: little is known of Namrat, aside from her being the spouse of Sin and Ningal's son, Numushda.
- Ningal despite being the spouse of someone as venerated as Sin, and popular in her own right, little is known regarding Ningal herself.
- Ninmug: of unknown parentage, Ninmug is a divine metalworker, and the spouse of Hendursag.
- Ninsun: a popular yet enigmatic goddess, Ninsun is the bride of Banda, and father of mighty Gilgamesh.
- Ninura: little is known of Ninura, save for the fact that she is the spouse of Shara.
- Shala: a minor weather goddess, Shala is the bride of Adad, with whom she bore many children.
- Tashmetu: the daughter of Urash, the city god of Dilbat, Tashmetu is the consort of wise Nabu.
- Zarpanitu: the daughter of Enlil and the wife of Marduk, it is astonishing that so little is known of Zarpanitu.
Subordinates of the Ziggurati: often known for little else, these servants of one or many deities have more specialized duties than the Jack of all trades sukkals. These divine servants include courtiers, messengers, scribes, guards, or whatever else needs doing in the world of the gods. Those entities that primarily fall into this class of being, instead of some other grouping, include:
- Ekh: aside from this deity's position in Nungal's court, all that is known about Ekh is that it is a louse god.
- Inshushinak: another son of Teshub, Inshushinak serves in a position of authority within the court of Irkalla.
- Irnina: a goddess of victory, Irnina served as a courtier in the underworld court of Gishzida.
- Ningikuga: daughter of Anu and Antu, Ningikuga is the lady of the pure reed, often acts as the consort of Enki.
- Ninimma: a scribe of Enlil and daughter of Enki, Ninimma is often seen in the company of Nanshe and her retinue, as well.
- Ningublag: twin brother of Alammush and son of Sin and Ningal, Ningublag is the god of cattle, and serves in his father's court.
- Ninshar: daugher of Enki and Ninhursag, and mother of Ninkurra, Ninshar is known primarily as the butcher of the gods.
- Nirah: while Qudma serves as the sukkal of Ishtaran, Nirah instead works as that more powerful deity's messenger.
- Sadarnuna: bride of Nusku, Sadarnuna has been a member of Enlil's cohort through countless schemes.
- Shumuqan: a minor shepherd god, Shumuqan often appeared as a courtier in the orbit of Shamash.
- Shuzianna: one of Enmesharra's daughters, Shuzianna often serves as the wet nurse of Anunnaki royalty, such as Enlil.
- Zaqar: a son of Sin and Ningal, Zaqar is considered a god of dreams, and uses them to deliver messages to mortals from his father.
Sukkals of the Ziggurati: a combination of manservant, vizier, and butler, sukkals are the right-hand man or woman of their respective lord and master. Gods who are willingly subservient to another, more powerful deity, sukkals typically have goals in line with their boss, and are usually depicted carrying a mighty staff of office. Known sukkals not mentioned elsewhere include:
- Alla: chief servant of Gishzida, Alla is a bald, bearded god who was disgraced after supporting Anshar's coup attempt.
- Alammush: sukkal and son of Sin, Alammush often accompanies his lord on his treks through the night sky.
- Edinmugi: sukkal of Shumuqan, himself a minor deity, Edinmugi works to secure the plains for his master.
- Gaga: the right-hand man of Anshar, Gaga has seen and done much in his long life, both for and against the Anunnaki.
- Ilabrat: while he has utilized many servants over the years, Anu has chiefly relied upon Ilabrat as his sukkal.
- Ipahum: lead manservant of Ninazu, this viper god is often spied doing his master's bidding throughout Irkalla.
- Iqbi-damiq: Kittu's aide in the relevation of truth, Iqbi-damiq is always ready to assist her mistress in her many duties.
- Isimud: the (literally) two-faced cohort of Enki, Isimud has aided his lord in the advancement of civilization for eons.
- Nimgir: a member of the court of Adad and Shala, Nimgir is the sukkal of the former (if not both).
- Ninshubur: the best friend of Ishtar, Ninshubur acts as an advisor, messenger, and underling of her mistress.
- Nusku: the immeasurably patient Nusku is the sukkal of Enlil, one of the most ambitious deities in history.
- Qudma: the chief minion of Ishtaran, Qudma serves his serpentine lord to the best of his ability.
- Ugur: the original sukkal of Nergal, the 'bloody' Ugur likely took after his master in many ways.
Tutelary Ziggurati: those entities known as tutelary deities are those who, while often impressive in their own right, possessed a highly limited domain. In short, they are those gods and goddesses of a specific city or city-state. While they may possess tremendous power, at least as far as the local mortals are concerned, the following lugals (or kings) rarely managed to become known for anything else:
- Dumuzi-abzu: directly related to neither Abzu nor Tammuz, Dumuzi-abzu was the shepherd of Kinunir, and is associated with Nanshe.
- Enmerkar: one quarter divine, if his father Meshkiangasher is to be believed, and a mighty lugal of Uruk for a time.
- Ishkhara: goddess of love and war, the Ishtar-lite Ishkhara is often associated with bashmu and mushkhusshu, and is the tutelary god of Elba.
- Ishtaran: the local god of Der, the bright-eyed Ishtaran is the son of Teshub, and thought of as a deity dedicated to justice.
- Khaburitum: the embodiment of the river Khabur, little else is known about this minor, possibly abstract entity.
- Meshkiangasher: the semi-divine son of Shamash, according to Meshkiangasher, and the founder of Uruk.
- Ninisinna: daughter of Anu and Antu and bride of Pabsilag, Ninissina is the great physician of the black-haired people, and a tutelary goddess of Isin.
- Numushda: son of Sin and Ningal, Numushda primarily serves as the tutelary god of Kiritab.
- Pabsilag: the divine overlord of the city of Larak, Pabsilag is the resident god of this Sumerian city.
- Shara: adopted son of Ishtar, Shara is the deity worshiped above all else in the city of Umma, upon taking over for his spouse, Ninura.
- Tutu: the overseer of divine statue restoration in Babylon, Tutu was also the city god of Borsippa.
- Urash: no relation to Antu, who often used the name, Urash is the deity worshiped by the people of Dilbat.
- Yahweh: lord of Judah, Yahweh is something of a warrior and weather deity, imported to Babylon after his land's defeat.
- Zababa: mighty god of Kish, Zababa is a son of Enlil, and guided the creation of one of earth's first city-states!
For the most part, every major deity from the Anunnaki and the Igigi has been presented previously. A lot of minor, obscure gods are only listed in the bullet points above, though, because very little is known about them and what purpose they serve. As more information become available about them, usually as more Cuneiform tablets are translated, these may be expanded upon at a later date.
Entreaty Spell Examples
In addition to descriptions of various primordial deities and a few conventional power effects that can be reskinned as entreaty spells, a number of original entreaty spells have been written for use in the game, as well. Intended primarily to serve as examples of how to produce useful magic while at the same time paying homage to the being, thing, or place of power invoked, they are of various utility, and include:
01-02 | Auscultation | 03-04 | Bane of Lies | 05-06 | Bashmu (2) |
07-08 | Berserker (2) | 09-10 | Blood of Qingu (3) | 11-12 | Buttress (3) | 13-14 | Carrier Wave | 15-16 | Circular Vision (*) | 17-18 | Conflagrant Chariot |
19-20 | Daybreak | 21-22 | Death Ray | 23-24 | Dual Respiration (*) |
25-26 | Dyad (2) | 27-28 | Elongation | 29-30 | Fulgor (2) |
31-32 | Gestalting (2) | 33-34 | Grace | 35-36 | Headway | 37-38 | Homogenization | 39-40 | Imaginary Mass | 41-42 | Inodoriferous |
43-44 | Internal Universe | 45-46 | Judicature | 47-48 | Keeper |
49-50 | Lethality (2) | 51-52 | Logos | 53-54 | Nimiety (2) |
55-56 | Ophidia (3) | 57-58 | Power Absorption (4) | 59-60 | Psi Web | 61-62 | Quash | 63-64 | Quid Pro Quo | 65-66 | Quittance |
67-68 | Super Digging | 69-70 | Super Invention | 71-72 | Super Jumping (*) |
73-74 | Super Running | 75-76 | Super Swimming | 77-78 | Super Tracking |
79-80 | Threescore Pestilence (2) | 81-82 | Tramplede (2) | 83-84 | Ultravision | 85-86 | Unyielding Will | 87-88 | Upholder | 89-90 | Warrior's Art |
91-92 | Whatever | 93-94 | Wondrous Warehouse | 95-96 | Wrest (2) | 97-98 | Yclept (3) | 99-00 | Zest |
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | N | O | P | Q | S | T | U | W | Y | Z |
Type: Entreaty Spell (Nabu)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Engaging in conversation with others psionically involves telepathic contact between two or more individuals, allowing for proper, back and forth communication for all parties involved. Simply eavesdropping on the thoughts of others, however, is a much simpler affair. People are always thinking things all the time, and aren't really attempting to hide or cover up what's going through their heads at all.
Auscultation involves opening up one's mind to the random radiation of thoughts from all individuals within one's immediate area, as is defined by Very Near range. While auscultation is active, its wielder can 'hear' all the thoughts occurring within this ability's range, which can often be a very large jumble of gibberish; think of all the random thoughts that occur to you in a given moment, and multiply that by many people at once.
However, auscultation has a variety of uses. For one thing, the wielder of this ability can 'scan' all of these ambient thoughts when trying to find a singular person in a crowd. By listening in on every thought everyone present is inadvertently broadcasting, the wielder of auscultation can pick out the thought (or range of thoughts) that belong to the person he or she is looking for, even if they're not sure who that person is.
A passive power by nature, auscultation requires no ACTION roll if the persons being listened in on are unaware of this ability's use, or are not guarding their thoughts any. If someone suspects their minds are being listened in on, however, they may attempt a Willpower ACTION roll against this power's intensity to shield their thoughts from its use. If successful, the wielder of this ability won't know anything has been 'covered up'.
If this action fails, though, they'll realize someone's trying to hide something from them, and can then try to narrow down just who it is - and why!
As a god of wisdom, possessing numerous talents that didn't exist all that long before he himself did, Nabu knows things. It often seems like he knows too many things, but then Nabu has an unfair advantage. While he's not a powerful telepath by any means, he tends to know what others are thinking at any given moment, for good or ill. Furthermore, for those who study him and his sorcery, he's willing to share that ability!
Bane of Lies
Type: Entreaty Spell (Kittu)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
A spell devised by Kittu that he is more than happy to empower for others, bane of lies punishes those who engage in falsehoods before its caster. When invoked, bane of lies prompts a Willpower ACTION against its spell value, the failure of which subjects the target to its effect. Namely, every time they lie while the spell is active, they will be engulfed in spectral flames, suffering spell value Karmic damage as a result.
Bane of lies lasts for 1d10 turns when cast, though the spell can be maintained if its wielder desires. Typically, a singular act of prevarication is all that is required to keep the subject of this spell on the straight and narrow over the course of a conversation, so maintenance is rarely necessary. However, extended inquests might require maintenance to prevent deception by the subject for their entire duration.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Teshub)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank value
A highly specialized variant on the summoning spell, wizards can use this magic to draw forth, well, bashmu. Powerful magical creatures, bashmu are crested, horned, winged serpents, which have the forelegs of lions. Originally created by Tiamat herself, the breeding of bashmu has been resumed by Teshub after acquiring a small portion of the power inherent to the Serpent's Mount, situated deep within Irkalla.
Upon mastering this spell, its wielder is presumed to have made an arrangement with Teshub, allowing them the use of his 'children' as is needed, with no risk of being disobeyed by them. When cast, a bashmu appears to do the wizard's bidding, and will generally remain to do so for as long as the spell is maintained. One bashmu can be kept under the caster's control for each instance of the spell they choose to maintain.
Summoned bashmu are generally human-sized, but occasionally this spell draws forth a larger specimen. Upon rolling a yellow result, the caster has drawn the attention of Teshub, which prompts a second spell ACTION. A black ACTION roll changes nothing, while a red ACTION manifests a bashmu with a +1 size factor, a blue ACTION materializes a bashmu with a +2 size factor, and a yellow ACTION produces a bashmu with a +3 size factor!
The only risk in wielding the bashmu entreaty spell is that, should its wielder repeatedly get its summons seriously injured or killed, Teshub may very well pay more attention to their use of the creatures. If Teshub decides that the wizard causing harm to his bashmu is doing so in a careless manner, he just might manifest himself when the spell is cast, and take them to task!
Type: Entreaty Spell (Martu)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank value
While many characters lose their cool in battle and get more than a little bit reckless, there are few who can attain a true berserker rage. This super-human level of fury can actually overwhelm its user, causing physical and mental changes within that make them nigh-unstoppable! They accomplish this with a combination of the reassignment and unyielding will powers.
When entering a berserker rage, a character's Intellect and Awareness traits will suffer immediate negative Row Shifts, dropping them to rank value 2. In turn, their Melee and Brawn traits will benefit from like positive Row Shifts. As an example, a body with rank value 6 statistics will lose 2 RS of his or her Intellect and Awareness when going berserk, only to see a 2 RS gain on both their Melee and Brawn.
Furthermore, the berserker will also develop the ability to 'store' damage per unyielding will, soaking up an amount of such equal to his or her power rank value - regardless of the form it takes. Any additional damage suffered, whether it occurs in the form of a large number of weak attacks or one overwhelming assault, will affect the berserker normally.
A berserker rage lasts for the duration of a battle, plus the 1d10 turns it takes for a berserker to either mellow out or simply run out of steam. At this point, his or her traits will revert to their standard levels, and any outstanding combat damage stored during their frenzy will discharge into their body, albeit at a -2 RS to the original amount inflicted.
Though he's not the uncultured brute that the Sumerians perceived him to be, Martu is nonetheless beholden to the same power of faith that shapes all gods. Thus, he doesn't mind providing the energy required to actualize this entreaty spell, for it only helps spread knowledge Martu's might. If it costs him a tiny bit of his power, that's more than worth it in a universe that barely remembers his existence.
Blood of Qingu
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ninhursag)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 3 points per rank value
After Enlil wiped out the first iteration of humanity, save for a scant few stragglers, he found himself in a bit of a pickle. You see, he'd ordered their creation to quell the uprising of the Igigi, who were tired of the unsafe and unfair working conditions the Anunnaki subjected them to, and wanted someone else to do their jobs. And now, he'd undone that effort by drowning mankind in a vast, world-spanning flood.
Thus, it fell to Ninhursag to create humanity anew. Needing to assemble a large number of humans in a hurry, far faster than they could reproduce on their own, she utilized a catalyst to speed up the creation of fully grown, fully sentient laborers: a drop of divine blood. The quantity of blood she needed required the exsanguination of a deity, but as luck would have it, the Anunnaki had the perfect candidate.
Imprisoned for his crimes against them, Qingu was going to be executed by the Anunnaki anyway, so this seemed as good a means as any to rid themselves of the troublemaker. Thus, the gods drained Qingu of his blood slowly, over many years, stockpiling vast amounts of the stuff for use in their effort to repopulate humanity. And for anything else that, over the eons, the blood of a dead god might come in handy for.
When casting blood of Qingu, the sorcerer doing so implores Ninhursag to part with a drop of the precious blood of her great-granduncle, which she retains to this very day. Once acquired, this drop of blood can be used on any inanimate matter, as long as it is approximately human-shaped and -sized. Once applied, it will begin to form said matter into a human, per reformation, with spell rank value ability.
This newly formed human (or any other comparable species the caster is familiar with) will come into being with any knowledge desired, as long as the caster of blood of Qingu has access to it. This allows for the instant creation of fully sentient beings with the ability to speak, read, and write, possibly in numerous languages, utitlize any number of skills, and perhaps even wield sorcery or psionics, if desired!
Once they have been made, humans (or, again, whatever) crafted via blood of Qingu are permanent creations, and should be treated as such for the purposes of Fortune. This applies whether creating a crowd of innocent bystanders as a distraction to stymie one's foes, or a legion of mystical clones with which one can vastly increase the amount of things they can get done over the course of a given day.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Tiamat)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank value
For the most part, people tend to think of Tiamat as a terrible monster, one inclined only to destroy the Anunnaki and their works - and with good reason! However, Tiamat is also the creatrix of those same deities, as well as any number of supernatural creatures that otherwise should not exist. As such, those who look favorably on that role for Tiamat often implore her to fuel the buttress entreaty.
Buttress is a power with which one can nurture the capabilities of others. While active, buttress creates a field of favorable probabilities around its possessor, one which extends out within Near distance of their person. This field can apply beneficial Row Shifts to rolls attempted by those they consider allies. These rolls can take the form of any ACTION, including Lifestyle and Repute checks!
However, this bolstering of probabilities comes with a cost. For each positive Row Shift the character with buttress grants their compatriots, they in turn suffer two negative Row Shifts applied to every action they attempt. This penalty is incurred whether one is dodging attacks, making a Fortitude check against a Kill? result, or rolling the ACTION necessary to maintain this ability, which is required every turn.
It is important to note that one cannot benefit from another occurrence of the buttress power while wielding it themselves. The warping of probabilities that buttress utilizes to produce its unique effect is extremely complicated and delicate, and attempting to add a second (or more!) source of such manipulation ultimately causes overlapping buttress fields to cancel each other out.
Overall, buttress is an ability fraught with peril. On the one hand, buttress greatly strengthens the efforts of one's teammates, while on the other it makes its wielder particularly vulnerable to the efforts of their enemies. Those who can balance out the positives and negatives of buttress are often vital members of whatever group they happen to belong to, not to mention the cause(s) they champion the most!
Carrier Wave
Type: Entreaty Spell (Anu)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Characters who can generate a carrier wave have the ability to produce a special concentration of energy that supports their weight against gravity - and allows for full movement in three dimensions! The exact form of energy the creator of a carrier wave can generate may be about anything available in the 4C System: Edition 13 game, as long as it remotely makes sense for the character wielding it.
When maintaining a carrier wave, a character can move through the air as determined by their power rank value, on the air speed table. A carrier wave can automatically support the weight of its wielder, and can bring along additional mass as if it were an equivalent Brawn trait. A fiery carrier wave of rank value 40, for instance, could haul ten tons of matter along with its generator - if he or she could hold it!
The energy that comprises a carrier wave is not primarily harmful, though it can be wielded as such by forcing other characters into it - often by running them over. Such instances inflict rank value damage of the appropriate type, though one's own carrier wave will never cause them harm. Unless, that is, another character with the appropriate energy control ability can take command of the energies that comprise it.
If such an individual achieves this (with a power ACTION against the carrier wave's intensity), they may redirect its creator's path or turn the energies that allow it to work against him or her!
His preferred mode of transportation, Anu wields this power to traverse the skies at will. Though he avoids traveling to earth itself these days, having avoided the lower realms since his humiliation at the hands of Enlil (then acting under the alias of Kumarbi), Anu utilizes this ability to suspend himself above the unwashed masses below. And considering how things are for his family of late, who can blame him?
Circular Vision
Type: Entreaty Spell (Anshar, Kishar)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points (flat cost)
This curious sensory ability allows its wielder to see in a full 360 degrees. Whether this is an arc in the horizontal, vertical, or both depends on the physiology of the character in question. It can be achieved in a number of fashions, from the obvious physical placement of optical sense organs to more subtle means, up to and including the actual bending of ambient light waves.
Circular vision that is the result of passive abilities (inherent to one's anatomy) cannot be negated, being a function of one's physiology. It can be provided by either curiously placed optical sense organs, the presence of light-sensitive pits on one's skin, or other, more specialized methods. If the method of attaining circular vision alters one's appearance, compared to the norm, the character suffers a -1 RS to their Repute.
Or, alternately, should adopt the Abnormal Attribute quirk, instead.
As an active ability, circular vision can come in a variety of forms, from a specialized trick of light control to a sort of psionic sense which lets you see in a bird's eye view, as if watching oneself from the vantage point of a video game. While these provide the advantage of hiding one's circular vision from obvious detection, they can be negated by various means, depending on their nature.
The 'game' advantage of circular vision, aside from being surprised less, is a general increase in one's Melee trait (+1 RS). Of course, if one loses their circular vision for some reason (power negation, etc.), this bonus will transform into a -1 RS penalty to one's Melee rank value for the duration of the negation.
While this may seem like an odd and/or lesser ability to gain via an entreaty spell, circular vision allows one to see everything surrounding them. Assuming no structures or other impediments to their eye line (or diameter, in this instance), this trait is truly emblematic of what both Anshar and Kishar represent, the former's hostile politics aside - and it's a relatively easy spell to master!
Conflagrant Chariot
Type: Entreaty Spell (Bunene)
Duration: instantaneous effect + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Something of a fanciful variant on the carrier wave power, this spell produces a two-wheeled bullock cart for its wielder to ride when cast, complete with four powerful oxen to pull it. This cart and its attendant beasts of burden are comprised of solar plasma drawn directly from the nearest star, condensed into a coherent form so that it is quasi-solid when it first manifests in the world.
Once its occupants board and start driving the cart, the coherent energy oxen emit plasma from their feet, applying enough force when doing so that they will not only pull the cart forward, but can take to the air! This burning plasma will not harm those riding upon the cart, but definitely inflicts spell rank value Armor Piercing Energy damage upon whoever or whatever they come in contact with.
Furthermore, the cart can fly with spell value speed, haul weight with spell value Brawn, and can do so for a number of turns equal to its spell rank value. Unless actively maintained, the conflagrant chariot will slowly expend the energy that comprises it as it is utilized, discorporating at the end of its duration as it consumes the very power utilized to originally bind it together into a coherent state.
One of the advantages of crafting a conflagrant chariot is that it can be operated by anyone, not just the caster of this spell. This allows its wielder to generate a quick ride for someone else when desired, or even to let others drive while they engage in other activities.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Aya)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Invoking the might of Aya, the goddess of the dawn, this spell momentarily channels that deity's signature power through its caster. Emitting light in a cascade of beautiful pastel colors, the wielder of daybreak will fill the area within Near distance of their person with illumination equivalent to conventional daylight. In other words, for all intents and purposes, the affected area suddenly experiences daytime conditions.
For the most part, this light does not inflict direct damage, though it can blind those within the area of effect if they fail a Fortitude ACTION roll against its spell rank value. However, the light of the daybreak spell is considered sunlight for both conventional and metaphysical purposes, and will affect entities susceptible to exposure to such if they fail the Fortitude ACTION described above.
Daybreak only lasts for a short period of time, the light its wielder broadcasts being reduced by -2 RS each turn after it is invoked. This continues to prompt checks against blinding, even if its diminished intensity quickly becomes easier to overcome, while those who suffer damage simply by dint of being exposed to direct sunlight will still withstand the full effects of such while it is being emitted.
Death Ray
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ereshkigal)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value
The death ray, a popular attack in many forms of fiction, readily slays any living target it strikes. This is because it is a focused burst of entropic, anti-life energy that literally cancels out the life force (if any) of whatever it strikes. Death rays can function within Near distance of their wielder, and inflict their power rank value in Metabolic damage with each deadly, deleterious strike.
This entropic damage can be resisted as if it were Karmic in nature, which means most conventional protections do little against death rays - assuming their user can successfully hit with them. However, resistance to metabolic attacks protects against this power quite well; barring that, one might adopt specific resistance against essential attacks to avoid it, instead.
As a strong limitation, one can limit the effects of a death ray to contact only. This is then considered a death touch, and is also popular in fiction. Such an ability often denotes entropic alien beings, who wither flora and the like in their passing, but need not be always active in such a fashion.
Of course, Ereshkigal has no such limitations. Her preferred form of dispatching anyone that vexes her are the pitch black beams she projects from her eyes, slaying those foolish enough to offend her with nothing more than a glance. As the potential victims of this spell may ultimately wind up within her domain, she has no problem sharing this destructive might with any sorcerer who puts in the work to learn this entreaty.
Dual Respiration
Type: Entreaty Spell (Plane of the Abzu)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points (flat cost)
While most characters are primarily adapted to existing in but one environment, a select few have more flexible physiologies. Such individuals can often inhale and exhale substances vital to their continued existence (such as oxygen and nitrogen) from two distinct mediums. This trait is referred to as dual respiration, and can be a vital boon to those who have to function in multiple realms.
Most often, this power grants water breathing, allowing an otherwise normal human the ability to persist both on land and beneath the waves. The two mediums involved can include any substances, however, and is a great way for an alien who comes from a place antithetical to human life to survive in our world as well - assuming that one of the two forms of respiration it may use complements our atmospheric composition.
This power may be strongly limited, essentially cutting its cost in half, by restricting one of the respiration forms to a finite duration; perhaps a character can only breathe underwater for an hour, or while concentrating? On the other hand, it can be strongly enhanced by introducing even more mediums through which the character can breathe, adding one more point for each substance a character can breathe.
Dual respiration has no power rank value; one either has the ability or they do not.
While a seemingly simple ability, at least in comparison to many others that one can acquire via the use of entreaty spells, dual respiration is a vital trait for those visiting the Abzu. Consisting of a small bubble of air separating Irkalla from the waters below, one cannot delve past the surface of this subterranean ocean realm without the ability to respirate water in addition to air.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Gishzida)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank value
A curious combination of both detatchable parts and shape change, dyad allows its wielder to divide themselves into two distinct components. These components are typically of equal mass, each comprising half of the character's total volume, though exceptions to this rule are not uncommon. Once split, the character's masses each change shape to assume a more functional, semi-independent configuration.
When divided in two, the bodies of a character with dyad can take almost any form. They can be two smaller versions of the character, a normal and a fantastic version of them, two bodies that are completely different from their original, or anything else that works for them. These forms generally remain consistent from one use of dyad to another, though variable bodies can be acquired as either enhancements or power stunts.
If one of the character's dyad-granted forms are to be given super-human characteristics, these may be other powers determined via the character generation process, or those purchased later in the event of character advancement. Such abilities, only accessible while dyad is active, are considered weakly limited if both forms have access to them, or strongly limited if only one of their two bodies can utilize it.
Their consciousness split between two distinct bodies, the wielder of dyad receives one additional action each turn, though their total number of actions are split between their forms. Generally, this only becomes complicated if dyad's possessor can attempt more than one action each turn before taking it into account, the character having to divvy up a sum of actions that are not divisible by two wherever they best fit over time.
While active, the two bodies of the character with dyad may range anywhere within Near distance of each other and still be effective. Exceeding this distance causes dyad to quit functioning, the two bodies it formed for the character snapping back together again. Most often, this occurs at a point halfway between the two masses that previously comprised the character, but can vary if their dyad forms have differing volumes.
Finally, should they be so inclined, characters may enhance dyad when first acquiring it, spreading their mass over even more bodies. Triad, breaking oneself down into three distinct forms, is a strong enhancement of this power. Tetrad, on the other hand, would be considered an extreme dyad enhancement, allowing its wielder to divide themselves into four, much smaller bodies with which they can interact with the world.
Of course, Gishzida himself doesn't bother with such expanded uses of the dyad ability. While he may very well grant it to wizards who implore him to empower their own dyad entreaty spells, depending on the nature of the study which reveals this sorcery to them, Gishzida himself usually just wields it to assume the form of two serpents, often wrapped around some sort of weapon, column, or structure.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Lakhmu, Lakhamu)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
The power of elongation allows its possessor to extend some or all of their body to a truly fantastic degree. This can be done without a loss of leverage or effective Brawn, the elongated body part(s) performing as if they were in their normal state, even at their maximum length. When wielding elongation, a character can stretch their body (or any part therein) anywhere within Near distance of their person.
For example, a hero with rank value 30 elongation can extend their arms, legs, or whatever up to eighty-eight sectors! Such feats allow one to engage in melee combat against non-adjacent foes, as long as they are within range of the elongation power. Foes attacked in such a fashion can only oppose body part(s) invading their personal space, and not the elongating character's main body - unless they approach him or her directly.
Elongated parts, depending on their nature, may be immune to Pound, Concuss, or Kill results in combat. Hacking off an extended finger cannot directly kill a character, no matter how much it may smart. Of course, slicing an elongated character in two while their torso is stretched to its utter limit is a different matter entirely. Severed bits immediately return to their normal physical dimensions.
Sorcerers who wish to emulate this strange aspect of the second generation Anunnaki can implore either Lakhmu, Lakhamu, or both to grant this ability to them. Such spellcasters can thus seem like those mighty wyrms, appearing much, much longer than is readily apparent - in any of their three conventional dimensions. This is a great way for otherwise fragile magicians to greatly improve their mobility and their durability.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Shamash)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank value
The mighty Shamash is all-seeing, and his holy light is all-revealing. Using fulgor to channel his omniscience, if only momentarily, the caster of this spell may emit a pulse that affects everything within Very Near distance of their person. This burst of Shamash's divine light acts to dispel efforts to mask the truth of a person, place, or thing with spell rank value ability, on everything within its area of effect.
When the light of Shamash suffuses the area, it will prompt something not in its true form to assume such. Affected things or people may give in to this process, or attempt to resist, rolling a Willpower ACTION roll against this spell's rank value. If successful, they retain whatever false visage they currently bear, but if unsuccessful, they suffer spell value Deionic damage, Shamash's deific light igniting their falsehoods.
Fulgor works equally well against disguises, changes in one's shape or form, or even forged credentials. The trick, however, is that it won't destroy such masks if one truly believes them to authentically be a part of their person. In other words, fulgor won't burn away the uniform of a hero, for that is indicative of their very self-identity, but costumed actors performing in a play won't be so lucky.
One side effect of fulgor is that it cancels involuntary changes to a person as a result of others' actions. Individuals experiencing unwelcome transformations into inanimate matter, plants, animals, or other shapes, sizes, or even genders, which they haven't grown to accept, can be reverted to normal through the use of fulgor. However, the spell must first defeat the rank value of the power which so changed a body.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Enki)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank value
While Enki is a master of many arts, the creation of entirely new life forms from whole cloth is not one of them. Over the eons, he has proven this time and time again, typically demonstrating his lack of ability in relation to his wife, Ninhursag. However, Enki does excel at taking two extant critters and mashing them together, a process commonly known as gestalting, which is something of a signature ability of his.
When making use of gestalting, its wielder can combine two distinct life forms into one being. These two entities need not include the possessor of gestalting, though this is a perfectly reasonable use of the power. Unless both targets are explicitly willing to be merged into a singular entity, the wielder of gestalting must first pass a power ACTION against the greater of any unwilling beings' Fortitude traits.
Once merged, the targets of gestalting will assume a form that combines the characteristics of each, while possessing a size determined by their total mass. Merging two relatively similar things (such as a rhino and a bull) will craft a new being with relatively similar capabilities, while blending disparate creatures (perhaps an oak tree and a centipede) may very well create an entirely new evolutionary niche.
The behavior of things wrought with gestalting results from a combination of their two personalities, if applicable.
If one component of the gestalted entity is mindless (a plant or fungi), it won't really affect the decisions of sentient or non-sentient but animate entities. If a sentient and non-sentient yet animate creature are combined, the former will hold sway, though the latter will wield considerable influence. Combining two sentient beings leaves both of their minds intact in a singular body, though they share the equivalent of a mind link.
Due to the staggering array of potential combinations of things one can bring into being with gestalting, it may be difficult to prepare in advance for its use. As such, the Gamemaster may very well have to 'wing it' when patching together weird new critters from formerly distinct life forms, a feat which is best managed by having ready access to descriptions of most animals that may be encountered by those making use of gestalting.
Gestalting only functions on life forms within Very Near distance of its wielder for the most part, though this can be bolstered via power enhancements. The merger of mindless and/or non-sentient life forms is generally a permanent alteration to both beings, while a sentient entity can attempt a Fortitude ACTION against gestalting's power rank value every turn in an effort to break off this blending of minds and bodies.
There are two exceptions to this general rule, the first involving the wielder of gestalting ending a merger that he or she has created previously, which they may do while within range of their creations. The second comes into play when all the sentient creatures involved in a gestalting decide that they prefer a merged state to their previous existence, which makes their combination as permanent as they want it to be.
As always, individuals gaining new powers via gestalting must ultimately purchase them via Fortune, lest they become subject to Plot.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Gula)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Gula is one of the elder members of the Anunnaki, being the daughter of Anu and Antu. A goddess of healing, Gula is frequently invoked in both prayers and sorcery, most often pleading for her to spare the life of one or more ailing friends and/or family. Sympathizing with the travails of mere mortals, Gula provides such mercy when it doesn't conflict with the aims of other gods, and often shares her grace with others, as well.
Grace is the ultimate form of mercy, for it prevents its wielder from inflicting Kill? results. This is advantageous to characters who only possess lethal attacks, such as a broad sword or lighting bolts. Grace even applies when dishing out enough damage to reduce one's foe to zero (or less!) Health. Grace allows a body to cut loose, after a fashion, having no need to pull their punches because they literally cannot kill anyone.
Similarly, grace is a potent defense, as it works to negate Kill? results rolled against its wielder. How this works is that, while grace is active, its possessor may attempt an ACTION against the intensity of any assault that would otherwise achieve a Kill? result against them. Failure indicates that the Kill? must be resolved normally, but a successful ACTION shifts that Kill? result down to a blue effect on the Master Table.
The only variation on this basic behavior is when a character using grace faces off against the effects of an opponent wielding lethality. In that case, one must pass an ACTION roll with grace, opposed by either the intensity of the damage inflicted or lethality's power rank value if it is to prevail, whichever of the two is higher.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ninlil)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Ninlil is no stranger to the experience of lacking support while striving for the things she wants. She knows all too well the difficulty in pursuing her goals without help, or even a clue regarding how she should proceed. Her wish is that others should not suffer the same difficulty that she has in the process of chasing her dreams, and as such acts regularly to prevent this state of affairs from coming to pass.
In essence, she provides assistance to spellcasters in the form of the headway spell. When cast, headway implores Ninlil for guidance in achieving whatever end one currently strives for, and in response, she will generally provide a hint to that effect. The idea here is to grant those who ask for her aid, well, headway in their current quest, the nature of which depends on how successful their spell ACTION is.
A red headway ACTION offers cryptic benefit to its caster, while the utility a blue ACTION grants is more obvious in nature, and a yellow ACTION may very well be explicit in the data it provides. The form such hints take generally reflect Ninlil's areas of influence, such as a gust of wind indicating a direction, or grain seeds spelling out the name of a person, place, or thing. Rarely, her visage may manifest to assist the caster personally.
Headway is an excellent tool for wizards who have exhausted all other means of research into a matter, or those who simply cannot comprehend how to progress against an inexplicable situation. It can be used to shortcut any number of time-consuming activities, from criminal investigations to treasure hunting, but it is important to remember that, even these days, Ninlil is a busy goddess.
Every use of headway after the first on a given day is made at a -1 RS penalty, finally becoming useless upon falling below rank value zero (0). This is both for conceptual (Ninlil growing increasingly tired of being a crutch to sorcerers who can't be bothered to do their own leg work) and mechanical (to keep players from completely bypassing whatever adventure they're currently engaged in) purposes.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Nisaba)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Though some societies might think otherwise, the world is full of diverse peoples and lifestyles, even within their own populations. Far from monocultural, there are numerous practices, tendencies, and traditions that each group of people observe, whether on the personal, local, regional, national, global, or universal level. This frequently makes interacting with others difficult.
One of the earliest proponents of civilization, human and otherwise, Nisaba strives to encourage connections between all sentient beings. To this end, she provides the energies required to cast homogenization, which subconsciously links its caster to other beings within Near distance of their person. Once so linked, a wizard has an almost instinctual knowledge of the culture of individuals in their immediate vicinity.
While active, homogenization helps its caster to integrate, if not ingratiate, into the surrounding society. While under its effects, homogenization tells a wizard how to better fit in, alerting them if they're about to behave rudely, perpetrate faux pas, or otherwise engage in actions that are considered taboo. Furthermore, it indicates where actions and statements might be appropriate to the situation at hand.
Becoming one with a group of people practicing a culture distinct from, but generally similar to one's own merely requires a red ACTION. Posing as part of a society drastically different, but still hailing from the same species or world as the caster, takes a blue ACTION roll. Seemingly belonging naturally to a wholly alien people, at least behaviorally, necessitates a successful ACTION of yellow difficulty.
Ideal for explorers, travelers, and diplomats, homogenization is of incidental use for infiltrators, as well.
Imaginary Mass
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ullikummi)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
The imaginary mass ability allows its possessor to dynamically apply artificial mass to his or her person, in response to external stimuli. What this means is, when force is applied to the character with this ability, they can reflexively increase their apparent mass to directly oppose said force. The character doesn't actually become heavier, but they sure seem like it to those attempting to move them.
For example, say someone shoves the possessor of imaginary mass. When this force is applied to them, the character immediately applies opposing force to keep themselves in place. Moving a wielder of the imaginary mass power requires overcoming its power rank value first, as if the character had a similarly valued weight. If the applied force cannot overcome the imaginary mass value, its wielder won't budge.
Imaginary mass works equally well against brute force, telekinesis, kinetic control, or even gravity control. By itself, it is not useful against actual physical attack, though a resistance to such can be developed as a power stunt.
Already an immense entity, being half-god and half-mountain, Ullikummi wields this power to bolster its physical prowess even further. When even its mammoth size, strength, and volcanic abilities cannot withstand enemy assault, Ullikummi can manipulate its very mass to actively oppose attempts to uproot it. And, to the lucky spellcaster that studies magic related to it, Ullikummi can share this might with others!
Type: Entreaty Spell (Enkidu)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Being inodoriferous implies a complete lack of scent. Something of a complement of (or possibly an alternative to) invisibility, inodoriferous prevents a character from being smelled by others. No matter how (un)pleasant a character's scent may become, the power of inodoriferous allows them to pass by almost all ordinary humans (and even some humans with enhanced senses) without having their scent picked up at all.
In essence, inodoriferous provides its power rank value in protection against detection by a sense of smell - whether natural or artificial in origin. Even a lesser rank value of inodoriferous generally works well against most beings, only coming into question when particularly aware characters encounter the inodoriferous individual - who must pass an Awareness ACTION roll against its rank value to smell them at all.
The only serious threat to an inodoriferous individual being detected by scent is when they have been tagged with something particularly malodorous - or if they themselves have achieved such a state somehow. The power of redolence in particular, whether wielded by a skunk or an ascendant human, is a great way to 'light up' an inodoriferous character to later track them down by scent (by whatever means).
By itself, inodoriferous does not inflict a combat penalty on others - unless they primarily rely upon their sense of smell, at which point said penalty is -4 RS. On the other hand, others do suffer a -1 RS to notice an inodoriferous character in the first place, a penalty which is added on top of others that character may possess - particularly if they also wield inaudibility or invisibility!
The simple reason that Enkidu often provides the energy to fuel inodoriferous entreaty spells from beyond the grave is that it represents an early point in his life, one in which he was seemingly one with nature. Though he may not have been of the same mind as the creatures that he lived among, his lack of a human (or any) scent probably made it a lot easier for Enkidu to blend in without being gored or stung.
Internal Universe
Type: Entreaty Spell (Plane of Ubshukkina)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
The name of this power is something of a misnomer, as the character with it does not actually bear an entire universe inside his or her body - they simply serve as an access to one. The character is a doorway which leads to an all-new space-time, of finite size, that the character either discovered or created upon gaining this power. This new universe is a permanent entity, which persists whether or not the power is active.
At any given point in time, the character with an internal universe can open the door to this new reality, which causes their body to become a rift between the internal and external plane. It can be opened in a manner that allows travel in, travel out, or both, at their discretion. Anything touching the character while their doorway is open can be drawn through the portal with power rank value strength.
The great advantage of this power is that its wielder can store away anything - or anyone - that they deem dangerous. Unless things that are pulled into one's internal universe have the ability to cross dimensions, they aren't going anywhere once they're drawn in. This can be anything ranging from a pleasant vacation (after a fashion) to a horrible death sentence, depending on the conditions within one's internal realm.
But just what is this internal universe, you ask? It can have any physical properties the character with this power desires (limited to power intensity effects). These properties are generally static, being decided either when it is first discovered or created. The universe itself is of finite size, consisting of a number of cubic miles equal to its power rank value - but can be a curved space so that it appears to go on forever.
A character with this power generally cannot visit their internal space. They can look in on it through themselves, gaining a limited perspective of events transpiring inside, but that's about it - at least, without powers such as clairvoyance, or some means of making duplicates of themselves (either real or imagined). Other than this, however, one must acquire help if they need to handle situations transpiring in their universe.
While Anu didn't specifically wield this magic to generate heavenly Ubshukkina, it is a metaphorically similar means by which one can craft their very own space-time. As such, Anu is content to share this lesser magic with those who research it, fueling such entreaty spells to allow mortals to be content with a much smaller universe than that which he, as the King of the Gods, crafted himself.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Mesharu)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Obsessed with meting out justice, Mesharu's only regret in this regard is that she is but one proponent of order. To this end, this deity is happy to provide the energy with which to cast and maintain judicature. When invoked, this entreaty spell produces an axe, of a shape and otherworldly color chosen by the caster, comprised entirely of spectral flames drawn from a higher plane of existence.
The weapon produced by judicature generally lasts for 1d10 turns, unless specifically maintained to persist for a longer period of time. This, of course, assumes that it is wielded in melee combat. This spectral axe can also be flung at the caster's target, but doing so will release the caster's hold on the energies that comprise it, causing them to dissipate back where they came from upon striking something.
Completely ineffectual on non-sentient targets, the axe of judicature causes Karmic damage to those who have violated the law within a number of days equal to its spell rank value. The amount of damage it inflicts is equal to either its spell value or the Fortune reward/penalty indicated for a given crime, whichever of the two is less. Thus, a murderer will suffer more damage than a jaywalker.
A given crime can only be punished by judicature so much, however. Upon inflicting an amount of Karmic damage equal to the penalty/reward for a crime, it alone can no longer provide the impetus for suffering damage through judicature. If the victim of this spell's weapon has committed numerous crimes, however, its caster can punish them for those infractions against the law as well.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Tammuz)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Worshiped until the eighteenth century, if not even longer, Tammuz has been venerated on our world for close to six thousand years, in one form or another. The shepherd god, Tammuz is also known for his role in the growth of crops and other plants, which wither during the half of the year he spends imprisoned in Irkalla. Tammuz shepherds people in addition to sheep, however, which is why he often fuels keeper entreaties.
When invoking keeper, its possessor has the ability to forge an immediate, yet transient Fortune pool with one or more individuals. These people must be willing to engage in such a bond, for it inextricably ties their fates together while active. Once established, this new pool allows its members to donate any amount of Fortune to it that they choose, with a bonus amount of such equal to the power rank value of keeper.
But what's the difference between the use of keeper and a standard Fortune pool, you ask? For one thing, this pool can be formed and ended at the whims of keeper's wielder, without the usual temporal limitations on such. Furthermore, this pool can be forged in addition to whatever Fortune pool the character(s) involved are already in, making this the only way a character can belong to two Fortune pools at the same time.
This allows others ready access to one's own fount of Fortune, greatly assisting them in the completion of their endeavors, whatever they may be. The only danger inherent to wielding keeper is the potential for Fortune loss due to the actions of others, particularly if keeper's wielder and other participants in the pool it generates operate under different moralities.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Nergal)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 2 points per rank value
Nergal, the King of Killing, the Master of Murder, and the Lord of Lethality, is the worst kind of death god. While entities such as his wife, Ereshkigal, are more abstract deities of such, Nergal exults in the act of ending life. Whether by the sword, flames run amok, or even plague, Nergal has yet to meet a means of ending others' lives that he doesn't relish. And that's why he readily fuels lethality entreaty spells.
While under the effect of lethality, a character's attacks are much deadlier. Any assault by them which inflicts damage but isn't inherently lethal will see its normal yellow result on the Master Table replaced with a 'Kill?' result, instead. This prompts the target to attempt a Fortitude ACTION roll on the Kill? column, to see whether or not they have been dealt a fatal blow, which will occur on a black or red result.
On the other hand, if attempting a deadly attack while lethality is active, any successful assault will instead prompt a Fortitude ACTION roll against either the intensity of lethality or the damage its wielder inflicted, whichever of the two is higher. Failing this ACTION will automatically cause the victim to begin losing Fortitude rank values immediately - and may very well cause their demise.
The benefit of lethality is a much greater frequency in the permanent disposal of one's enemies, though this can come at a cost. The law often frowns upon one so readily ending their foes, whether or not it may seem justified. And then there's the problem with Fortune, particularly if 'four color' campaign rules are in effect. But if neither of these conditions are a worry, lethality can be a powerful tool for a character!
Type: Entreaty Spell (Mummu)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
One of the oldest of the Ziggurati, Mummu is primarily known as a god dedicated to technical excellence, the skillful performance of work. Likely the reason he became the sukkal to Abzu, the father of his pantheon, Mummu gained his reputation for this (among many other things) by unfailingly doing everything correctly. And this, in large part, is possible through his ability to impose his will on reality via logos!
Logos is a powerful mindset, one attained via a persistent, droning chant. This powerful chant focuses one's will such that it may alter both the character and the very universe around them, aligning them so that events resolve in a manner that favors the chanter. Either when activating logos or maintaining the ability, its possessor must pass a power ACTION roll each turn, though the difficulty of such depends on its influence.
While active, the power of logos compels the world to walk in lockstep with one's desires, adding a +1 RS bonus to any ACTION roll they attempt, save for those which keep it functioning. Each ACTION it bolsters, however, inflicts a -1 RS penalty on efforts to uphold logos, this increased difficulty representing mounting resistance to the character's meddling in the proper course of events by reality itself.
If the character with logos simply ceases the chant to maintain it before failing an ACTION to do so, they suffer no harm, and benefit from the general increase in the odds of succeeding in whatever it was they were attempting to do. If they failed an ACTION to keep logos running, however, the character suffers a causal backlash, which comes in the form of like RS penalties applied to their subsequent actions.
In other words, for each ACTION that logos enhanced before it failed, the Gamemaster may 'bank' a -1 RS penalty to any future ACTION its wielder attempts. They may apply these Row Shifts at any point they choose in that session, either all at once or spread out as they see fit. Such is the danger of excessively warping reality, but the potential reward is often more than worth the catastrophic risk involved.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Marduk)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 2 points per rank value
Whether justifiably or not, Marduk has acquired a reputation as a showboating loudmouth. He earned his position as the King of the Gods with skill and style, to be sure, but many believe he was just showing off when he sundered his ancestress, Tiamat. Whether or not this was the case, performing such astounding feats is almost made easy while one benefits from the effects of the nimiety power, as Marduk does.
Nimiety is the ability to draw potential from one's allies, and to use said potential for one's own benefit. This 'potential' consists of Row Shift bonuses that apply to every ACTION roll the character with nimiety attempts. For every +1 RS worth of bonus the wielder of nimiety is to receive from his or her fellows, however, a -2 RS penalty will apply to those who have been chosen to donate their potential to fuel it.
When activated, the vast array of divergent probabilities that nimiety creates is centered upon its wielder, which adjusts causality within its area of effect, as is described on the Middle range table. This allows one to either draw from their friends from quite a ways away, to travel a considerable distance after doing so up close, or to engage in some middle ground between these two extremes.
But what if someone doesn't want to donate their potential to the wielder of nimety, you ask? This can be a pertinent point, especially if said wielder is attempting to draw forth numerous Row Shift bonuses, thus placing a body in potentially lethal danger. One can either stray out of the power's area of effect to avoid it, or if they are lucky, make use of someone or something with access to resistance to warping attacks.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ninazu)
Duration: per each individual spell granted
Cost: 3 points per rank value
Born upon the peak of the Serpent's Mount, Ninazu has always possessed mastery of the magic intrinsic to that powerful underworld locale. Using the ophidia entreaty, spellcasters can implore the King of Snakes to share some of this energy, at least for a short while. When cast, ophidia allows its wielder to manifest one of the following magical effects, at which point its outcome is set for the rest of the day:
Animal Control, Animal Hybridization / Others, Animal Hybridization / Self, Animal Sympathy, Organism Generation, or Summoning.
Though some of these results are duplicated by the standard group spells, the effects allowed via the ophidia entreaty are limited to primarily affecting snakes. They can also function upon other reptiles, including those mystical variants common in the lore of Mesopotamia, though they do so at -4 RS effectiveness. Ninazu himself lacks this limitation, but then he doesn't share all of his toys so readily.
As one can with conventional group spells, the caster of ophidia may retain its fluidity for a time, namely by leaving the effect it produces completely to the whims of chance. If one does so, ophidia produces one of its potential outcomes randomly, as indicated below, though sorcerers achieving a 'bonus' result may choose ophidia's effect and keep its effects fluid for its next use.
01-02 | Bonus | 03-18 | Animal Control | 19-34 | Animal Hybridization / Others |
35-50 | Animal Hybridization / Self | 51-66 | Animal Sympathy | 67-82 | Organism Generation |
83-98 | Summoning | 99-00 | Bonus |
Power Absorption
Type: Entreaty Spell (Enlil)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 4 points per rank value
Power absorption is an insidious ability that allows one character to steal the powers of another, and then use them as he or she sees fit.
Absorbing the power(s) of another requires physical contact with them, and the target can avoid the effect if they prevent such. If the value of a character's power absorption is higher than that of the target's original power value, said target may not use the absorbed ability while so affected. If the power to be absorbed was higher in value than this ability, simply reduce its effectiveness by the power absorption rank value.
On that note, if the power rank value to be absorbed is higher than this one, the wielder of this ability must roll a yellow Willpower ACTION. Success means the power has been absorbed in a safe and manageable fashion, while failure indicates that the power source overloaded their power absorption, and the power absorber will be Concussed for 1d10 turns as a result.
Power absorption can also be used to absorb the traits of others. This works in the same fashion as the above, transferring points from the target's trait to the absorber's on a point-per-point basis - to a maximum amount equal to the power absorption power rank value. If any of one's traits are drained below rank value 2 by the use of this power, they will be knocked unconscious for the duration of the absorption.
In its basic form, one can only use this power to absorb one trait or power from a target at a time. However, it can be enhanced during character generation, with each additional thing to be absorbed counting as one 'step' of enhancement. Alternately, one can achieve this with power stunts later on, each sequential increase in the number of things one can absorb being a separate stunt.
The amount of time that a power absorber can retain the powers they have absorbed from others depends on the ACTION roll made when the purloined abilities were first stolen. A red ACTION allows a power absorber to retain the stolen characteristics for a number of turns equal to its power rank value. A blue ACTION extends this to minutes, while a yellow ACTION stretches this amount to hours.
But, you ask, what if one wants to steal the powers of another permanently? The ability to do this is considered an extreme enhancement of power absorption, either reducing its intensity by 4 RS or increasing its cost by sixteen points. Furthermore, permanently swiping the power(s) of another always requires that the power absorption's rank value is higher than the power value to be absorbed.
If these conditions are met, one can attempt to steal the power(s) of another with a yellow power ACTION. Targets of permanent power theft are allowed a Willpower ACTION to resist, losing the stolen power(s) or enhanced trait(s) on a semi-permanent basis if they fail. Victims of such theft can often find a means of restoring what has been lost, though this usually requires a special adventure or requirement (as if inventing something).
And once the victim of power absorption has managed this, he or she is quite likely to come looking for some serious payback.
That's why most sorcerers don't bother with such a dangerous capability. Of course, those with more ambition than sense are often tempted to emulate this ability with magic, though it's supremely difficult to do without external assistance. And the god who best embodies the use of this power is the one who has used it to the greatest effect over the millennia: the one and only Enlil!
Psi Web
Type: Entreaty Spell (Uttu)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Mainly thought of as an arachnid divinity, Uttu is similarly thought of as a goddess of weaving. Though other, similar goddesses use mere wool to craft their garments and such, Uttu uses her own silky webbing to create cloth, traps, and the like. And while sorcerers pleading for her to empower their spells likely don't wish to spray webs from their behind, Uttu is happy to provide the use of similar mental constructs.
A psi web is a telekinetic weave that its creator can use to ensnare others entering a specific area of space. A psi web will manifest as a two-dimensional object, but may be oriented with any horizontal or vertical inclination desired. It can overlay any amount of space within Very Near distance of its creator, whether spread across a narrow opening or covering every available inch within its area of effect.
Upon entering a space warded by a psi web, one must pass a Brawn ACTION against its power rank value to proceed. If this ACTION fails, the person who sprung the trap is held within, and must attempt to escape as if grappled at the psi web's rank value. If successful, the character may continue to move through the area that turn, but if still present on the next, he or she must repeat the above Brawn ACTION.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Nungal)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Mistress of the incarcerated, Nungal is the mighty warden goddess of Irkalla. Within Ilurugu, Prison of the Gods, Nungal oversees the many captives of the Anunnaki, whether they be mortal or divine. With her reputation for restraining others, it is only fitting that sorcerers entreat her to empower magic to that effect, and that is why the spell she is most famous for fueling is quash.
When cast, quash manifests a spectral battle net similar to Nungal's personal weapon, which may be flung by its creator to engangle their foes. Quash requires a roll to connect just like any other net, despite its fantastic nature, and it can be avoided per any other grappling attack. Once it has ensnared a body, however, they immediately suffer a -2 RS penalty on every ACTION they attempt.
This is devastating in and of itself, but the ensnared individual must attempt a Willpower ACTION roll to avoid further entanglement with Nungal's net on each subsequent turn. Made at whatever penalty quash is currently imposing upon them, the failure of this ACTION applies an additional 1 RS penalty against their actions, while success will reduce quash's penalty against them by a like amount.
This process continues until either a) the caster releases the character wrapped up in the net of Nungal, b) the entangled character eliminates the Row Shift penalites it inflicts, thus freeing themselves, or c) their Willpower is effectively reduced below rank 0 in value. When the latter occurs, the character will be expelled from their current plane of existence, and dumped inside Ilurugu.
There, they will find themselves within what appears to be an ancient, walled city, forever enshrouded in the perpetual dusk of Irkalla. Its mud-brick structures decayed after millennia of disrepair and abuse by Ilurugu's unwilling residents, the character will find little solace within Nungal's domain. Ideally, a body won't remain there long, but extricating oneself from Ilurugu is up to the character so banished.
For those who cannot simply shift from one plane to another, escaping Nungal's domain may prove to be something of a challenge. Its walls always seem to loom far above those within the domain, forever stretching higher to stymie would-be climbers. And those who bypass the walls face a legion of etemmu loyal to Nungal. Failing escape, one may simply attempt to reason with the warden goddess, and explain their innocence.
This may be harder for those actually guilty of various crimes, which is why spellcasters of a heroic bent enjoy dumping their enemies within Ilurugu with quash. At any rate, once quash's victims free themselves from Nungal's embrace, they must then make their way out of the underworld of the Ziggurati before succumbing to starvation or dehydration, which may be another adventure in and of itself!
Quid Pro Quo
Type: Entreaty Spell (Plane of Irkalla)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Upon invoking quid pro quo, its caster draws forth etemmu, whether they are currently resident in the underworld realm of Irkalla or vengefully roaming our plane. Upon assembling within Very Near distance of the caster, they will transubstantiate from the ectoplasm that normally comprises their spectral existence into psychoplasm, allowing them to interact with the material world - at least, on a temporary basis.
As etemmu normally lack food and drink in the dismal afterlife of Irkalla, it generally behooves the caster of this entreaty spell to have some of each ready and waiting. This is because etemmu, likely having lacked access to either for thousands of years, will constantly grumble about their lot to the caster if this offering is not provided, and may very well turn on him or her upon the end of this spell's maintenance.
Etemmu given physical form by this spell generally possess rank value 6 traits all around, and wield no special powers to speak of. However, they may have skills that will aid the cause of this spell's caster, and can be armed in any fashion that is desired. Such skills may be a bit behind the curve, however, as etemmu ceased their manifestation in Irkalla after the tenth century CE, for the most part.
Those etemmu brought forth by quid pro quo persist in the physical realm either until their Health is reduced to zero or until 1d10 turns after spell maintenance ceases, at which point their material existence ends. Etemmu then return to Irkalla, if that is where they were drawn from, or are released back into the land, if they were wandering about while haunting some descendant or another of theirs.
Quid pro quo allows its caster to materialize one etemmu for each rank value in the spell they possess, for each casting of the spell they maintain. A sorcerer with rank value 20 quid pro quo and a like Intellect trait, for instance, could cast and maintain the spell once to conjure forth five etemmu, twice to have ten etemmu on hand, or even three times to summon fifteen of these long-dead followers of the Anunnaki!
The use of etemmu comes with a cost, however, for Irkalla's mistress clings desperately to the dead. Known as the Land of No Return, Irkalla is ruled by the mighty and mercurial Ereshkigal, and she does not let the dead, whether mortal or divine, leave her domain without someone to take their place. Thus, this spell's caster must pay for the time each etemmu at their command has been liberated from Irkalla to do their bidding.
Unless Ereshkigal accepts a different favor in exchange, the caster is dragged off to Irkalla by demonic galla, and forced to roam the seemingly endless dark for an amount of time equal to that which they utilized each etemmu. Retaining six etemmu for ten minutes, then, would mean quid pro quo's caster is at the mercy of Irkalla's residents for a full hour once the spell ceases, and there's no weaseling out of the deal.
This is why it ultimately pays to ply etemmu with food and drink when they are conjured to the surface. For upon arriving in Irkalla, those who a caster has previously put to work will immediately know of it, and if he or she was not forthcoming with material rewards, etemmu are more than ready to demonstrate their displeasure in a most violent fashion. It's not like they've got anything else to do with their time, after all!
Type: Entreaty Spell (Geshtinanna)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Appearing in one of the oldest legends related to seasonal change, Geshtinanna volunteered to take Tammuz's place in Irkalla when her brother was condemned to that underworld by his wife, Ishtar. Allowing her to do so for half the year, Ishtar inadvertently gave her sister-in-law a reputation for relieving others of their burdens, no matter how onerous. Thus, Geshtinanna is often entreated to empower quittance.
Quittance is a means by which a sorcerer may relieve another of any burden they may carry, at least for a little while. Through the grace of Geshtinanna, quittance magically lifts the metaphysical essence of whatever it is that weighs the target down, transferring it to the caster. This assumes the target is willing to relinquish their load, naturally, though in a pinch they may resist with a Willpower ACTION.
Once successfully cast, the wielder of quittance will take on whatever hardship they relieved their target of. This most often comes in the form of a physical or mental ailment, including any Health point losses associated with such, but can be almost any conceivable concern. Curses, judgments, debts, responsibilities, destinies, legacies, and even more abstract notions can be the subject of quittance.
Generally, the effects of quittance last for 1d10 turns, though the caster of this entreaty spell may maintain it for as long as they desire - or are physically capable of. Lengthy spell maintenance may be used to provide extended relief from that which burdens another, to hold it in check while they seek a means to relieve themselves of it unencumbered, or even to somehow metabolize or neutralize it with one's own abilities.
Super Digging
Type: Entreaty Spell (Antu)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Most characters can, with the proper equipment and a whole lot of patience, burrow through the earth or other, like substances when necessary. This is usually a painstaking process, however, requiring time and resources that may not be readily available in an emergency. Meanwhile, individuals who possess super digging can easily establish tunnels with astonishing alacrity - and may do so without external tools!
Using the power of super digging, a character can tunnel through any material of a hardness less than its rank value, and can work their way through materials that are of equal or greater MV by passing a power ACTION against the material in question each turn. Such masses of high MV material will slow a super digger down, but most can usually be worked through eventually, given enough time.
Particularly if the super digger also possesses high MV claws.
When building a tunnel simply for the sake of moving through an area, a super digger can proceed at a rate determined by their power rank value, on the land/sea speed table. Tunnels built so quickly usually only last for 1d10 turns - often enough for others to hurry behind the super digger as he or she churns their way through the earth. Note that a tunnel will not generally collapse right on top of its creator unless induced to do so.
If a super digger wishes to produce a more permanent corridor, he or she must slow down considerably. Fashioning relatively permanent paths through the earth requires a lot more support work when creating them, limiting a super digger to a speed of five sectors per turn. This is nonetheless remarkably fast, and allows a whole lot of people to pass through the ground safely thanks to such work.
Before she was known as Antu, Ki was the lord of what would become Irkalla, that portion of the earth that lies deep below the surface world. Though she was cut off from that mystical realm by Enlil when he cleaved the heavens from the realms below, Antu needed to pass from one subterranean location to another in a jiffy. That's why she wielded super digging, and can be implored to fuel this ability as an entreaty spell!
Super Invention
Type: Entreaty Spell (Gibil)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value beyond one's Intellect trait
While his flashy aspect as a god of fire is hard to ignore, one of Gibil's less obvious traits is an extensive mastery of that world-changing discovery. Capable of using flame to shape metal, Gibil is the divine blacksmith, and is so crafty in his use of energy to manpulate matter that even other gods are mystified by his works. Those who would emulate Gibil may implore him to share his technical intuition using super invention.
The character with this ability is something of a technological prodigy. Above and beyond their ordinary Intellect (whether it is truly ordinary or already exceptional in some fashion), the super inventor has the ability to subconsciously create technological items leaps and bounds ahead of that which others of comparable intelligence can produce - and can do so in a fraction of the time otherwise required.
When a character with super invention is intent on inventing something, they may attempt the required Intellect ACTIONs with this ability instead - before one considers any Row Shifts provided by the knowledge normally required to make whatever one is building. This often allows the super inventor to rapidly produce items that are well in advance of anything else on their world - even if he or she can't explain how they work.
Furthermore, they can do so quickly. A super inventor may reduce the time required to invent a technology or device, subtracting this power's rank value in days from the development time required - down to a minimum of one day. Finally, due to their ability to 'get by' with extant materials, a super inventor can typically reduce the Lifestyle ACTION roll required to build something by -2 RS, greatly enabling their advancement.
Note that this ability does not remove any special requirements deemed necessary by the Gamemaster when a character attempts to build something fantastic. While super invention can short-cut a large amount of the hurdles between a character and his or her death ray (or whatever), special requirements are still an important part of this process - or else, the super inventor might never leave the laboratory!
When one first acquires super invention, a character can limit it to further enhance their technical expertise in a specific area. Limiting super invention to a general class of technology (electronics, mechanics, structural engineering) counts as a weak limitation, while increasingly narrow classifications within each area can provide ever more potent limitations, at the Gamemaster's discretion.
Super Jumping
Type: Entreaty Spell (Anshar, Kishar)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1/2 point per additional rank value of jumping ability
Barring a staggering lack of exercise, serious physical injury, or an anatomy that lacks limbs, most characters can manage at least a moderate leap. The exact distance that characters can normally leap up, forward, or down is calculated in the Space and Movement portion of the Core Rules. However, some individuals possess the ability to make logic-defying leaps and bounds, for they possess the power of super jumping!
Super jumping is a positive modifier to a character's leaping ability, boosting their 'natural' ability by its value. When using random character generation, one may automatically 'gamble' on their natural ability to determine its initial modifier, though a player may use additional gambling attempts to boost it further. With point-based character generation, simply spend one half point per +1 RS desired.
For example, a two-hundred-pound character with rank value 6 Brawn has rank value 2 leaping naturally, which lets them bound forwards approximately two feet with relative ease. Each half point spent on super jumping would raise that value by +1 RS. If this character spent five points on super jumping, he or she would acquire rank value 150 leaping potential, letting them cross fifty-five sectors in a single bound!
Calculating the base velocity of a super jumper can be done by checking their sector movement on a turn per turn basis, using the land/sea speed table. That value 150 leaper, above, moves at fifty-five sectors per turn, which translates into seventy-five miles per hour. Simply running across that distance may occasionally seem faster, and it is in general, but super jumping does afford one the ability to avoid all manner of earth-bound hazards.
When combining super jumping with other movement powers, its utility can be increased to a staggering degree. Gliding allows a super jumper to 'hang' in the air for much longer, propulsion lets a body 'steer' while in the ballistic arc of a leap (helpful for avoiding puppies on the sidewalk), super climbing is great for leaping in urban environments, and super running dramatically boosts one's leaping speed and distance.
Straddling the line between the lands and the skies, Anshar and Kishar represent the boundary between them: the horizon. One aspect of this highly specialized embodiment includes efforts to cross between one and the other, a knack that is perfectly embodied by super jumping. Should a mage need to acquire this ability, they would be wise to implore these primordial deities for aid in such endeavors.
Super Running
Type: Entreaty Spell (Banda)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Originally just a man, albeit one hailing from the almost extinct original iteration of humanity, Banda is a mighty warrior who impressed the gods with his bravery, prowess, and dedication to them. As such, they made this hero a demigod, one who could run at truly impressive speeds. When implored to share his might with others thereafter, Banda began to empower the entreaty spell of super running.
While almost any character can run, barring serious injuries or a physiology that lacks legs, the individual with super running takes this to a whole new level. Instead of referring to the running/acceleration rate table to determine how fast a super runner can move, upgrade to the land/water speed chart instead, using the super running power rank value to showcase just how quick this power lets you move!
Super running typically includes minor adaptations to its possessor which allows them to breathe at such high velocities, resist the resultant friction, and to react fast enough to use it without killing themselves. A character's possessions and passengers (if carrying someone along) typically benefit from this as well, preventing a rescued hostage from being worn away to nothing when being carried at the speed of sound.
A super runner may run for as long as they like, even at top speed, without having to bother with fatigue. The power does not count as running for the purposes of exhaustion, which lets a body with super running cover an impressive amount of real estate with what, to them, is a simple jog. This is one reason why, when combined with super speed, super running is so astoundingly effective!
Super Swimming
Type: Entreaty Spell (Lakhmu, Lakhamu)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
The first-born children of Abzu and Tiamat, Lakhmu and his bride, Lakhamu, are the progenitors of the apotropaic Lakhmu-heroes and Lakhamu-heroes. More importantly, however, they possess the ability to traverse the subterranean Abzu with ease, an ability beyond their mere biology. In other words, both of these primordial deities possess the inherent power of super swimming.
The character with super swimming can tear through the water at astounding speeds. Whether on the surface or lurking below, a super swimmer may move at a speed determined by where their power rank value lies on the land/speed velocity table. For example, a body with rank value 30 super swimming would cruise through the ocean at around ninety miles per hour - faster than most boats and submersibles!
By itself, super swimming does not give its possessor the ability to breathe underwater. Dealing with this issue requires additional powers, such as dual or universal respiration - or even environmental independence, to forego the need to breathe entirely! Without one of these abilities to back them up, a super swimmer should stick to the surface - or have air tanks handy for undersea voyages.
Super swimmers can readily tow an additional amount of weight, per the propulsion power. That rank value 30 super swimmer, above, could easily bring up to a ton of weight along for the ride. Exceeding this reduces super swimming's speed by -2 RS for every +1 RS of weight hauled. As an example, a fifty ton ship (a rank value 50 weight) would reduce that rank value 30 super swimming's speed by -4 RS (to rank value 4).
Super Tracking
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ninurta)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
The son of Enlil, Ninurta is a mighty soldier of the Anunnaki. Readily doing battle with divine threats both foreign and domestic, Ninurta wages war as the current king of the gods demands. The location of his foe is often obscured, however, and as such Ninurta must use his skill and power to trace them to wherever they hide, a knack that sorcerers often call upon to enhance their own, similar efforts.
While tracking a target can be a skill in and of itself, this ability infers a super-human degree of prowess in such. Super tracking allows its wielder to pick up on the tell-tale signs of the passage of another, and then follow them back to their source. These can be obvious physical indications of passage, or more obscure signs such as lingering scents, thermal variance near things they've touched, or even psychic residue!
The specific nature of one's tracking ability should be determined when a character is first generated - i.e., how one finds their quarry. A super tracker need not be limited to one of the methods listed above - or others not listed here, for that matter - but doing so is considered a strong limitation. This means the 'handicapped' tracker may either increase this power's rank value by +2 RS, or reduce its final cost by 2.
Threescore Pestilence
Type: Entreaty Spell (Namtar)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank value
The undisputed lord of disease, Namtar commands all manner of plagues. He has the ability to afflict others with any disease, whether known or unknown to humankind. While this deity is often entreated to empower or enhance spells related to either causing or curing such ailments, Namtar is also the steward of an additional blight, the mere mention of which makes even gods tremble.
Master of the Threescore Pestilence, Namtar has the power to summon forth atomic scale demons, which then assault and disrupt the function of up to sixty organs and bodily system within his target. Though these demons are the size of organisms that usually inflict plagues, they are not pathogens in and of themselves, and as such, resistance to disease and disease curing effects suffer a -2 RS penalty against them.
An attack on the body by the Threescore Pestilence inflicts spell value SD Deionic damage. Furthermore, as they degrade the body of their target each time they inflict damage (whether the original pulse of such or upon subsequent turns), the Threescore Pestilence reduces their victim's Fortiude value by 1 RS. This makes shrugging them off, especially after failing an initial Fortitude ACTION to do so, increasingly difficult.
Via this entreaty, a sorcerer may momentarily borrow Namtar's deadliest weapons, bringing them to bear upon their enemies. The Threescore Pestilence are often sufficiently dangerous enough to slay their victims outright, but should they manage to survive, those afflicted by these invisible creatures are often weakened such that finishing them off after they shrug off Namtar's nanodemons is much, much easier.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Gugalanna)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 2 points per rank value
Though he has been dead for thousands of years, Gugalanna, the Celestial Bull, is still known to humanity. Having been worshiped since long before recorded history, Gugalanna has been venerated for most of the time since, having assumed many names in many mythologies. As such, despite his deceased status, Gugalanna is still invoked occasionally for magical purposes, and readily empowers this entreaty spell.
When casting tramplede, one reaches deep into Irkalla, past the known and into the Valley of the Dead Gods, where the remnants of Gugalanna's persona reside. Feeling the invocation of his name from the other side of the grave, Gugalanna is often happy to respond, sending a furious torrent of ghostly energy towards whoever entreats him, which manifests in the world right before them.
Upon bursting into our world, the forces unleashed by tramplede take the form of numerous spectral bulls, all of which charge forth from the caster's location into the sectors in front of him or her. Everything present, from people to structures to vehicles, are subject to the fury of Gugalanna's otherworldly herd, which stampedes to inflict this spell's rank value in Bashing (trample) or Slashing (gore) damage.
After this onslaught, most of the spectral bulls brought forth by tramplede dissipate, the energies used in their creation returning to their underworldly source. However, one will remain for each rank value the caster possesses in this spell, all of which continue to rampage while the spell is active. They ceaselessly head butt, gore, trample, or otherwise assault anyone and anything in the vicinity, the caster notwithstanding.
While extant, individual spectral bulls possess physical traits equal to this spell's rank value -1 RS, where applicable, and they possess hard points (hooves) with which to inflict Bashing damage, and horns to dispense Slashing damage. They possess a like amount of Health, and after suffering enough damage to negate it, they will disperse per the above, leaving no evidence of their existence.
Save for the gratuitous damage to people, places, and things left in their wake.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Sin)
Duration: 1d10 turns + maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Lord of the night, Sin is god of the moon. Though he never served as king of the gods, Sin is nonetheless one of the mightiest of the Anunnaki, and has shaped human civilization in means modern man simply cannot imagine. Soaring over the surface every night on his nocturnal mission, he can see all despite the darkness, which is why he is often entreated to empower spells granting this ability.
An enhanced form of standard vision, ultravision expands one's ordinary sight to include information from the ultraviolet spectrum. This grants a character a number of useful abilities, primarily the knack for seeing in otherwise dark conditions. The sun and numerous electrical devices emit ultraviolet light, and being able to perceive UV light makes one both aware of dangers not readily apparent, and able to see when others can't.
The only real downside of ultravision is that it makes one vulnerable to blinding attacks that may not remotely affect others with normal vision. Powerful sources of ultraviolet light (such as some radioactive materials) may blind the ultravisual individual even while their allies are completely oblivious to what ails them, and the character is at -1 RS to resist such effects without the benefit of screened senses.
That ability will protect from this penalty, but it inflicts a -1 RS on ultravision's rank value itself.
Unyielding Will
Type: Entreaty Spell (Gilgamesh)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
One-third mortal and two-thirds divine, Gilgamesh began his life of heroism as the king of Uruk, one of the earliest known kingdoms on earth. Descended from the prototypical batch of humans, he was long-lived and mighty, and known for his inability to quit. As a result, Gilgamesh is often entreated to empower the unyielding will spell, as it is a fine magical reflection of his godly nature.
The power of unyielding will describes the ability to impose one's will upon their body, overriding bodily processes to curtail incoming damage to an extent. How this works is that, while unyielding will is active, its wielder possesses resistance to any form of damage - whether physical, magical, or even deific. If an effect can inflict damage, unyielding will can act to oppose it.
This opposition represents the wielder of this ability using his or her resolve to temporarily counter harm to their person, consciously preventing blood from leaking out of wounds and directly maintaining the integrity of various tissues. The power can 'soak up' an amount of damage that is equal to its power rank value, at which point it can absorb no more - at least, until the character with unyielding will relaxes this ability.
When they do so, the inflicted wounds will immediately appear across their body, albeit in a lesser form; the damage from each attack suffered will be reduced by -2 RS when it finally manifests on the character. This is representative of the triage of sorts the character performed upon the body when being wounded in the first place, their actions having actually helped to suffer less long-term harm than expected.
Once the possessor of unyielding will has released all this pent-up damage, it can again be used to absorb a like amount of pain and suffering.
Note that damage which exceeds the power rank of unyielding will affects the character normally. For example, say a character with rank value 40 unyielding will is struck with a rank value 50 attack. The power will 'absorb' forty points of that, leaving them ten points of damage. When the power is relaxed, they'll also suffer the amount they soaked up (rank value 40) -2 RS in damage as well.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ninshubur)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Ninshubur is one of the Igigi, a goddess who assists many of the Anunnaki in the pursuit of their goals. This frequently sees her delivering messages to and fro across the multiverse, or occasionally working as Anu's bodyguard. However, she's most famously known as the unshakably loyal sukkal of Ishtar, who will do anything she must to both protect and further the agenda of her friend and mistress.
This is why Ninshubur is often entreated to empower the upholder spell. Upholder is designed to invoke assistance, either for the caster or the target of their choice, in whatever form is practical, possible, or applicable at that moment in time. The effects of this assistance might manifest themselves immediately, or may build over time as events align themselves to properly produce this spell's effect.
The curious thing about upholder is that it often reaches through time and space itself to help its target, seemingly altering reality to ensure that the help it is designed to provide is in place immediately after it is cast - or, perhaps, soon afterwards. Mind you, from the perspective of everyone involved, events seemingly just fall into place such that the aid upholder manifests is a perfectly natural result of cause and effect.
As an example of assistance, say a material of some sort is required by upholder's target. One of their contacts just might be carrying some while they are in the character's area, may be able to point them in the direction of some nearby over the telephone during an unexpected call, or possibly even sent them some previously, carried in an envelope that upholder's focus forgot about - until just now, that is!
Alternately, let us assume that the target of upholder is in mortal peril! One cast, upholder attempts to extricate them from the situation in some fashion, whether via assistance to the character or hindrance to their foes. This can involve anything ranging from a fortuitous visit by a hero on patrol to their enemy receiving a sudden ransom note and being forced to leave the scene!
Generally, the assistance that upholder provides won't be more effective than its own spell rank value, though this is more of a balancing act than anything else. The materials in the first example, above, might ordinarily require a Lifestyle ACTION exceeding its rank value, but one's contact could simply make the target return the favor to make up the difference - several times over, if it were particularly excessive.
Warrior's Art
Type: Entreaty Spell (Ishtar)
Duration: 1d10 turns plus maintenance, if desired
Cost: 1 point per rank value
Though Ishtar's sphere of influence is ever-growing, what with her propensity for hitting other gods over the head and stealing their stuff, one of the things she's always been famous for is being a goddess of war. As such, when called upon for aid, she is more often than not asked for assistance in battle. And Ishtar, ever wishing to expand her popularity, readily dispenses such assistance.
When casting the Warrior's Art entreaty, a spellcaster implores Ishtar to craft a special weapon, which is comprised of the imaginary form of matter known as psychoplasm. This weapon can be any implement they wish to use in a fight, whether it be wielded in melee or ranged combat, is primitive or advanced in nature, or possesses a mix of offensive and defensive applications, as would a shield.
Once created, this weapon allows the caster to wield it with a +2 RS bonus. This bonus is enough to transform the penalty for unfamiliarity with a weapon into the bonus one would typically receive if they'd trained in its use long enough to develop the appropriate skill. Said bonus applies even if the recipient of the spell has the requisite skill, making the weapon it creates incredibly dangerous in their hands.
The weapon forged by Warrior's Art will last for 1d10 turns, or for as long as the entreaty that created it maintains this spell.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Qingu)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 1 point per rank value
An unpredictable lout in life, Qingu was looked upon as the god of unskilled laborers, implored for aid by those who toiled without a trade to call their own. His fortunes varied wildly over the millennia, his role amonst the Ziggurati ranging from shiftless layabout to, for a very short period of time, King of the Gods. While not chaos personified, Qingu was definitely chaotic, which is why he often empowered this spell.
Though slain for his crimes against the Anunnaki, his essence consigned to the Valley of the Dead Gods, Qingu is nonetheless entreated for power to this very day, albeit rarely. Those few who know of his existence, much less the persistence of his personality, know that this chaotic soul defies death itself to lend assistance to those who ask him of it. However, the form this aid takes is unpredictable at best.
Whatever is roughly akin to roulette in effect, each spell rarely producing the same result with any frequency. The difference between the two is that while roulette's outcomes are truly random, the nature of what whatever manifests depends on whatever effects Qingu wishes to manifest through it (hence the name). In game terms, they are chosen by the Gamemaster, generally in accordance with the situation at hand.
Broad strokes of what whatever wreaks upon the world are determined by the ACTION rolled when it is cast, however, with red and black rolls being decidedly unhelpful. Black ACTIONs produce mildly detrimental results for the caster (perhaps it starts raining on them - and only them), while a red ACTION causes something which is neither helpful nor harmful to occur (maybe Qingu wishes them luck from beyond the grave).
More successful spell ACTIONs generally impress the spirit of this slain deity enough to motivate him to actually be useful, though. A blue whatever ACTION definitely causes events to unfold in a fashion favorable to the caster (perhaps lighting strikes amongst their enemies, if not necessarily hitting them directly), while a yellow ACTION pulls out all the stops (maybe Qingu's specter itself manifests to do battle for a bit).
As with quid pro quo, it doesn't hurt to have a treat handy when casting whatever. While the effects of the entreaty he most often empowers are generally unpredictable, the spectral essence of Qingu (or etemmu who were dedicated to him, at least) appear when cast with distressing frequency. But then, what else is there to do with one's afterlife than try to beg beer off of the living in exchange for simple comforts?
Wondrous Warehouse
Type: Entreaty Spell (Haia)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
One of Haia's most important roles involves stewardship of the Wondrous Warehouse, a location outside of conventional space-time that he uses to store the most precious possessions of the Anunnaki. Though he can never enter this space, himself being the metaphysical doorway to reach it, Haia nonetheless has numerous minions, both divine and mortal, through which he can deposit and withdraw its treasures.
When making use of this entreaty spell for the first time, a spellcaster enters a pact with Haia, which reserves a space within the Wondrous Warehouse for their own, personal use. This space will be of a size equal to that one could produce with the transient universe ability, namely a number of cubic yards equal to this spell's rank value, but it will persist indefinitely, as does an internal universe.
On subsequent castings, the spell will open a portal to its caster's specific unit within the Wondrous Warehouse, which appears as a vault of the appropriate size, made from sun-baked mud bricks which are mortared together with bitumen. Though seemingly fragile, at least compared to more modern materials, one will quickly find nothing but an interdimensional void outside the vault's walls should they break through them.
Within 1d10 turns of each casting, one of the Warehouse's minders will appear, and can answer questions regarding the unit's history of deposits, withdrawals, and its current holdings. This minder of the Warehouse can be any of its support personnel, from guards to construction workers to Haia himself, depending on who's available to perform this duty at the time - which can make for a great distraction in a pinch!
The benefit of a personal plot within the Wondrous Warehouse, aside from its obvious utility, is that the realm is maintained by Haia and his subordinates. While he isn't the most important or powerful deity associated with the Anunnaki, they all make use of his services to some extent, and anyone meddling with the Wondrous Warehouse or its priceless contents will ultimately face the wrath of these dangerous entities.
Type: Entreaty Spell (the Chaos)
Duration: instantaneous effect
Cost: 2 points per rank value
The Chaos is a component of reality that existed long before space-time as we know it, the unpredictable wellspring from which numerous multiverses have sprung forth. The Anunnaki and the Olympians, among many other pantheons of gods, consider the Chaos their ultimate birthplace. Both they and the realms they oversee simply would not exist had their ancestors not managed to escape from this primordial crucible.
All manner of things spontaneously manifest in the Chaos, including entities that should not be, devices that function without rhyme or reason, and even ideas which can tear minds asunder. These inexplicable creations bubble up to the event horizon of the Chaos, desperate to escape into the rest of reality before it draws them back in, ultimately facing annihilation if they cannot fight their way free.
Using wrest, a spellcaster can seize one of the Chaos' spontaneous creations from its event horizon of actuality, liberating it from the grim specter of unbeing. Instead of sinking back into the Chaos and dissolving into nothingness, the energies of its former existence recycled to produce ever more bedlamic things, this manifestation of the seething cauldron of the Chaos will suddenly appear near the caster of wrest.
The vital thing to remember, however, is that wrest is not a summoning spell. You get what you get with wrest, and the chaos spawn it lays before its caster is in complete control of its actions, where applicable. Furthermore, the product of its casting isn't going anywhere once it is brought forth, at least via the use of wrest alone. Finally, there is no limit to the effective rank value(s) of... whatever wrest fetches.
When invoking wrest, roll a d10 to determine the raw class of what it will liberate from the Chaos:
- An inanimate mass. Can be large or small, shaped or unshaped, worthless or valuable, inert or energized, solid, liquid, or gaseous.
- A conventional device, already invented somewhere in the multiverse, though possibly beyond the technology level of the world around it.
- A fantastic device, one which has never before been built, whether conventional or imbued with ascendant power, and possibly sentient.
- A conventional, non-sentient creature of any sort, which previously evolved somewhere in the multiverse, but may well be otherwise extinct.
- A conventional sentient entity, which may have previously evolved on the caster's world, or any other throughout reality.
- A (previously) fictional being, which originally only existed in the zeitgeist of any extant or extinct culture, but is now entirely real.
- An idea, concept, secret, or other form of knowledge. Can be old or new, harmless or dangerous, and quite possibly invasive.
- A nascent deity of some sort, either immortal or abstract in nature.
- A chimeric creation of the Chaos. Roll 2d10 and combine the two results - if at all possible.
- An additional Chaos spawn slipped through its event horizon of actuality when casting wrest. Reroll this d10, and then make an additional roll.
With the basic category of Chaos spawn determined, roll the wrest spell ACTION to narrow down just what has appeared.
A black spell ACTION generally indicates that nothing directly useful to the caster has appeared. That inanimate mass might be a lump of pumice as large as a station wagon, while the nascent deity could just be, say, the embodiment of unconstructive criticism... one who just can't stop dishing it out. Though generally a bust, even these ostensibly useless products of the Chaos can occasionaly serve one's ends.
Red wrest ACTIONs draw forth something that may not be too dangerous, but can be put to use. This could be a chimeric school bus propelled by giant centipede legs instead of wheels, for example, or a psychotronic ray gun powered by its wielder's fear. These sort of things aren't the kind of additions that might adversely affect the direction of the universe, but can nonetheless be handy on occasion.
Managing a blue success with wrest will draw forth... something... that will have a definite effect on the situation at hand. It may produce a missile launcher mounted on a hover pad that is controlled by a neural induction field, a veteran adventurer or super-human being that previously only existed in feature films, or even terrible knowledge about someone within Near distance. Total game changers, here.
On the other hand, rolling a yellow ACTION when casting wrest manifests something that will invaraibly alter the flow of events nearby - if not the course of history. A seemingly indestructibe artifact with dread powers over some aspect of the world, or perhaps some giant, horrifying monster ostensibly comprised of the parts of dozens of different hostile creatures - one in a very bad mood. That kind of thing.
Within these guidelines, the Gamemaster may decide what wrest has wrought, and must then determine the disposition of it.
Sure, it will be aware that the wizard was behind its liberation from the Chaos, if possesing any awareness of its environment, but that may or may not free the caster from any adverse reaction. One never knows where Chaos spawn are concerned. Sorting this out can be accomplished with a simple NPC reaction roll, which substitutes this spell rank value for the caster's Repute (since, you know, it won't know them at all).
A black reaction roll means that creature is hostile to wrest's caster, or the weapon they plucked from imminent nonexistence appeared at their enemy's feet. Red ACTIONs produce an unfriendly spawn of the Chaos, blue ACTIONs bring forth a neutrally inclined Chaos entity, and yellow ACTIONs cause the thing wrest helped to be to regard its caster in a friendly fashion, or to manifest under their direct and immediate influence.
As is readily apparent, casting wrest is a mixed bag, to say the least. It can easily help or hinder its wielder, its results ranging from nothing significant whatsoever to unleashing unspeakable horrors upon their reality. Furthermore, its casters may find themselves the victim of wrest's product just as easily as their foes, depending on what it manifests in the universe and how that manifestation feels about them once it arrives.
Thus, it behooves a sorcerer to cast wrest with care. The spell can readily get one out of an immediate jam, but may have devastating consequences down the road. In other words, it might be detrimental to one if, in a campaign using the four color Fortune rules, something they liberated from the Chaos ate a few neighborhoods full of people. But, for those unconcerned with such issues, have fun!
Type: Entreaty Spell (Abzu)
Duration: instantaneous effect or maintenance, depending
Cost: 3 points per rank value
One of the original gods, second in creation only to Tiamat herself, Abzu saw a lot in his time. While his predecessor and eventual wife exulted in the Chaos from which she issued forth, Abzu recoiled in horror at the idea of a disordered reality. As such, he constantly strove to impose the rule of law upon our multiverse, an effort which culminated in the creation of his greatest work: the Tablet of Destinies.
Along the way, however, Abzu discovered numerous other tools with which he could organize the realms before him. Amongst the oldest of magical principles, he found that words have power, and that names have power. Along these lines, he determined that whether you know the name of a thing or you name a thing yourself, you hold great influence over it. Thus, he is most often entreated to empower yclept.
Sure, Abzu is long dead, slain by Enki untold eons ago, but his personality nonetheless persists despite this. Residing within the Valley of the Dead Gods, deep inside Irkalla, prehistoric Abzu is barely known to humanity, much less spellcasters of other species. A dim awareness of him clings to those who research the Ziggurati, though, and as such, Abzu is still capable of empowering yclept entreaties.
The first use of yclept is to determine what the true name of a being is. This isn't necessarily their given name, or even their assumed identity, so much as a precise desription of their unique existence. Generally, true names are the sort of thing that belong to living entities, but even inanimate objects can have one of these, particularly if they've served an important role in the history of a world.
True names are typically difficult to discern, which is why this use of yclept requires supplemental, intensive research to uncover them. The requisite work can take the form of an adventure, or simply 'down time' when the caster isn't otherwise in costume. This use of yclept culminates in a spell ACTION to determine if the caster's research is successful, its difficulty depending on the level of one's effort.
Some of the difficulty in that regard depends on whoever else is privy to the knowledge yclept's caster seeks. As such, a second use for this spell is indicating the exact number of others who are aware of the true name the wielder of yclept strives to learn, and where they approximately are. Yclept can track these beings anywhere within the multiverse, though the caster may not be able to reach everyone involved.
Yclept will not indicate exactly who these individuals are, but can pin their location down with a precision dependent on the ACTION rolled when this is attempted. Black ACTION rolls send the caster off in a random, incorrect direction, while red results point them the right way, a blue ACTION can narrow it down to within about a square mile, and a yellow roll will approximately tell yclept's caster where their quarry is.
Once a spellcaster has the true name of something, they hold overwhelming sway over him, her, or it. Invoking the third function of yclept, a caster who knows the true name of their target inflicts a -2 RS penalty on any attempt to resist their powers, whether or not they are magical in origin. This benefit lasts for as long as the wizard with yclept actively maintains the spell.
Similarly, the caster's magic spells can function against the target at a far greater range. The base level of range boost that yclept offers its wielder is one range category, regardless of the spell's rank value. However, if one's yclept spell rank value exceeds the Willpower rank value of the target, this extends its overall range by yet another range category, which may very well affect said target anywhere in existence!
The fourth and final usage of yclept involves the intentional alteration of someone or something's true name, whether rearranging the words that comprise it or changing one word for another entirely. This always requires a yellow yclept spell ACTION, against which the target always receives a Willpower ACTION roll to resist. Those affected by this use of yclept are subject to the reality imposed by its caster.
This alteration can involve just about anything, really, whether being toggled from good to evil, male to female, human to animal (or plant!), or anything else that yclept's caster wishes. Such alterations generally are not permament in nature, merely lasting for a number of days equal to yclept's spell rank value, though in rare instances where the change agrees with the target, it just might persist indefinitely.
Type: Entreaty Spell (Utnapishtim)
Duration: maintenance
Cost: 1 point per rank value
One of the sole remaining examples of the first humans made by the Anunnaki, Utnapishtim is famous for withstanding the apocalyptic flood Enlil utilized to wipe out the children of the gods. Rewarded with immortality for his rugged humility before his creators, Utnapishtim is often looked upon as the ultimate survivor, and thus, is more often than not implored to grant the entreaty of zest.
The character with zest tenaciously clings to life, seemingly to an unnatual degree. While zest is active, its possessor benefits from a +1 RS bonus to any effort to avoid harm, whether it involves attempting a defensive maneuver, a roll to resist the damaging capabilities of untargeted powers, or ACTIONs to shake off effects that inflict continuous damage after they have initially taken hold in the character.
Furthermore, zesty folks gain a +1 RS bonus when rolling to resist Kill? results. Failing this, if the character with zest is losing Fortitude rank values due to a killing blow, they may attempt a free ACTION to staunch the loss of such every other turn - no Fortune required! Finally, if one falls to rank value 0 Fortitute and dies, zest allows them to be revived up to a number of minutes afterwards equal to their power rank value.
Being that the author has a distressing amount of books regarding the Anunnaki, in relation to both their Sumerian and Babylonian iterations, it seemed fitting to list a few of those here. After all, he's drawing from these books extensively, both for the entreaty spells document and other works both on and off the 13. Thus, if you wish to cross-check his interpretations, have at it!
- Jeremy Black, Graham Cunningham, Eleanor Robson, Gabor Zolyomi, The Literature of Ancient Sumer. Had to purchase this book online, as I could not locate it anywhere near my current location, and it didn't come cheap. This collection of translated, five thousand year old cuneiform tablets made my work on these obscure gods and goddesses possible in the first place.
- Jeremy Black, Anthony Green, Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia. Similar in content to the Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, but focused solely on the Mesopotamian deities and many of their artifacts. With tighter focus comes more detail, however, and I found this book much more useful than the Dictionary for my work with the Anunnaki and the Igigi.
- Jean Bottero, Everyday Life in Ancient Mesopotamia. A treatise on the culture of the people from this region, beginning with the enigmatic history of the 'black-haired people', the Sumerians, to the development of their culture and that of surrounding regions. Extensive detail regarding what these people ate, how they worshiped, and a whole lot more is contained within. Highly recommended!
- Stephanie Dalley, Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, the Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others. A vital collection of Mesopotamian myths, retranslated by Dalley from the latest cunieform tablet finds. While I already had several of these in hand, new perspectives are always good when forming a consensus of the differing beliefs practiced in different areas of this loose collection of city-states.
- Michael Jordan, Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Second Edition. Normally expensive and hard to find, the author lucked out by finding a hardcover copy of this tome at a used book store in Dayton, Ohio, and purchased it for a song. It has descriptions of thousands of distinct deities, from pantheons and faiths circling the globe. Indispensable for projects related to gods old and new.
- Samuel Noah Kramer, The Sumerians: Their History, Culture, and Character. I never got around to picking this book up physically, but found that the University of Chicago has it available for download for free - Google it for the link! This seems a great summary of Sumerian culture and their myths, the latter of which are often available in several different regional variations.
- Paul Kriwaczek, Babylon: Mesopotamia and the Birth of Civilization. Though the main subject of this book is Babylon itself, one cannot tell that primordial metropolis' story in a vacuum. Thus, history of the entire region is detailed, the story of which ends with that of Babylon itself, in the sixth century BCE. Ignoring its subsequent revival and second end, of course. Highly recommended.
- Gwendolyn Leick, The Babylonians: an Introduction. a powerful look at the people who lived in earth's first metropolis, this work covers the history, religion, and culture of the Babylonians in considerable detail for its size. Much more approachable than other works of its ilk, this book is highly recommended, whether out of mere curiosity or to use earth's first metropolis in their game!
- Gwendolyn Leick, Mesopotamia: The Invention of the City. An in-depth look at the dawn of human civilization, and the birth of cities as human habitation. The book begins with a history of Eridu, arguably the first city on earth, and covers nine other prominent Mesopotamian urban centers afterwards. A good reference to help get a handle on the minds of those who occupied these ancient realms.
- A. Leo Oppenheim, Ancient Mesopotamia: Portrait of a Dead Civilization. An older, yet highly recommended look at the cultures which birthed the Anunnaki. Sure, it's over fifty years old, but a lot of the information herein holds up despite much more recent finds - even if not all of it does. If you're interested, the University of Chicago has it available for download for free - Google it for the link!
- Diane Wolkstein, Samuel Noah Kramer, Inanna, Queen of Heaven and Earth: Her Stories and Hymns from Sumer. A collection of various myths and tales of Inanna, also known as Ishtar, ranging from her young days to her pre-eminence amongst the gods of Mesopotamia. Slightly reinterpreted to form a comprehensive tale of the goddess, it's quite the read for those unfamiliar with her.